"Yeah," she smiles. "It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I guess Matthew just scared me a little," she scoffs, looking at her wrist.

"You've seen me getting tattooed before, didn't see me cry like a baby, did you?"

"No," she says looking up at me, "but you're stronger."

"I'm just really good at hiding things, princess... especially pain, and I've had years of practice," I say with a faint smile.

It was true. I was good at hiding my pain from the world, whether that was emotional or physical. I learned from a young age to hide it well.
As a kid, the secrets I kept to protect those around me were hard, but I learned how because the last thing I wanted was the look on my mom and brother's faces when they found out the truth. It was bad enough them finding out when I was almost starting to hit my teens, let alone finding out when everything changed at the age of six.

"What kind of pain?"

It wasn't time. Not yet. I have always been a broken boy that grew into a broken man, still calling my therapist on the really bad days, but Ryan didn't need to know just how broken I was. Not yet anyway. Only when the time is right, I'll tell her... I'll tell her everything. "That's a story for another day princess, not now," I whisper to her.

I pull her wrist to me, looking at the tattoo through the clear wrapping Benji just wrapped around her wrist to get a better look at it. It was so Ryan and fitted her perfectly. "Do you like it?" She asks me.

"No," I answer bluntly, her body stiffening, and I feel her sink slightly into me until I whisper back to her. "I love it, princess. I think it's perfect for you." Her eyes meet mine, a small smile tugging the side of her perfect mouth and all it takes is one look to have me melting in her jewel eyes.

The chattering around us seems to disappear and I can only hear the sounds of her breathing, her breath fanning my face and I waste no time grabbing the back of her neck - still getting lost in the greens of her eyes. I pull her slowly towards me, my other hand resting on her cheek, savouring the moment before our lips touch, only they never do. As my lips brush hers lightly, someone clearing their throat erupts in the room and we pause, slowly turning our heads to look at the other three people in the room. I had forgotten we weren't alone and Ryan stands up quickly, straightening herself up as I groan lowly from her pulling away.

"Shit, forgot we aren't alone," I think rolling my eyes.

"We're gonna head out," Matthew says with a cheeky smirk, "Ry, we'll see you at the party on Thursday."

"Thought we were sleeping over at Sophie's tonight?" Ryan protests, but Matt just looks at her dumbfounded and confused.

"I am, but you're spending the night here," he says with a wink.


"Bye gurrrrrl, don't do anything I wouldn't do... or anything I would!" He yells, walking away and pulling Sophie with him. I can't help the relief I feel that I'll be alone with Ryan - finally and I chuckle as I shake my head at him, knowing full well it was clearly their plan all along as they giggle at us. "Sex god... always a pleasure, now go pleasure each other."


"Oh please Soph, you know full well they're about to get hot and heavy."

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