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Authors Pov-

Lauren's heart kept on racing, her hands began to shake that she dropped her phone. She reached for the TV controller, but then the panic started to rise in her.

She then found the breaking news;

"We just got news that Camila's Cabellos jet was seen leaving the airport but the engine blew up and the plane came down crashing. We have not heard of any survivors yet, but we know for sure that there was 2 civilians in the plane including the pilot. We are sending our pra-"

Lauren started to scream at the top of her lungs so loud that she fell to the ground and couldn't breathe anymore. She couldn't believe it, it's all her fault.

Ally came rushing into the door when she heard the news, she was already on the way and paparazzi where already outside.

Ally heard Lauren's yelling and crying from the other room, she ran to Lauren who was on the floor and began to comfort her.

"Lauren we need to go now." Ally insisted.

"S-shes d-dead because of m-me." Lauren stuttered as she began to cry more.

"There's a survivor, there transporting them to the hospital in West Virginia where the plana crashed but we need to go now. The jet it ready to go-" Ally was cut off.

"No no i'm not going! I'm not flying!" Lauren began to shout and pushed Ally away.

"I promise you it's safe but Camila needs you right now. If the survivor is Camila, she's going to want to see you. I know this is hard Lauren but we have to go." Ally replied with a calm voice.

Ally was also panicking inside but she had to stay strong for Lauren. That's what she promised Camila and she wasn't going to let her down, especially now.

"She told me she l-loved me." Lauren cried out, remembering Camila's words echo in her ear.

"Then let's go." Ally rushed as she took Lauren's wrist and dragged her out of the house.

There was so much paparazzi behind the gate that they managed to break it down. They managed to get pictures of Lauren crying and clearly upset, but were soon pushed away by security. Ally pushed Lauren inside the black and tinted SUV and told the driver to drive.

They ignored all of the paparazzi into the way of the airport. There were so much that this was the first time Ally had to get much more securities.

Lauren's head was filled with negative thoughts, emotions, regrets and feelings it was too much pressure. Especially with the paparazzi making everything much worse. When she boarded Camila's second jet, she worried even more.

Until she realized that she's doing this for Camila, and she needs to stay strong and believe the survivor is Camila. She has too.

Arriving at the West Virginia's Hospital-

"Ally Brooke, Camila Cabellos assistant, we need to get through now." Ally demanded the security guards who were guarding the hospital that still had paparazzi there too who traveled from new york.

This is going to be a big story.

The guards stepped aside and allowed Lauren and Ally in. Lauren found the nearest doctor,

"Camila, we're looking for C-Camila." Lauren stuttered.

"Good, because i'm one of Camila's doctors and we need consent to do surgery." Doctor Pierce informed.

"She's alive, surgery? Where is she, i need to see her now." Lauren started to panic again.

Ally came up to Dr. Pierce and gave her consent for there surgery and signed the paper. Dr. Pierce was going to send another doctor to speak to Lauren and Ally about Camila's injuries.

Lauren panicking started to calm down when Ally reassured her she's alive and is going to stay alive.

While Lauren and Ally were waiting in a private room that was surrounded with security, a doctor managed to get through.

"What happened to Camila?" Lauren asked the male doctor who walked in with a clipboard.

"My name is Dr.Deluca, Camila is up in surgery right now with Dr.Pierce and Dr.Altman. They are the best doctors we have so she is in good hands. A piece of the plane had entered Camila's heart, there are a couple of broken bones in her arms, a minor concussion, but no brain damage." Dr. Deluca informed Ally and Lauren who both had theee hands on there heart.

"Can they get the piece of metal out of Camila's heart?" Lauren asked quietly.

"They can. Since Camila's drinking had affected her health, her heart might be in pain for weeks." Dr.Deluca added.

"What about her voice?" Ally asked.

"No damaged was done in her vocal cords or neck, so she should be good to continue singing. Camila should be out of surgery by now so you can stop by her room. Ally, i'm going to need you to sign a couple of more papers. Dr. Pierce and Dr.Altman can talk to you more about Camila's recovery." Dr.Deluca suggested and then left with Ally.

Lauren walked over to Camila's room where she saw a couple of doctors and nurses leave the room. She spotted the first doctor she talked to and went straight to her.

"Is she okay?" Lauren asked worried.

"Surgery went well, i do want to prescribe her with some pain meds." Dr.Pierce informed.

"She's going to have to stay here for a couple of days but she's awake and is asking for you." Dr.Altman smiled, "Were also huge fans of her so if you mind just tellin-" Dr.Pierce hit Altman's arm and i chucked.

"I'll tell her, thank you." Lauren smiled, she took a deep breath and walked towards the room.

She waited outside for a few seconds, and then walked into the room. She saw Camila face with a few bruises and her arm in a white cast, Camila opened her eyes and smiled.

"You came." Camila sighed.

"I did, and i'm so so sorry about what happened in the elevator-" Lauren rushed over to hold Camila's hand.

"Right now, i don't care about that. We're gonna tell the press the truth now that David's dead." Camila laughed making Lauren smile with tears. "I just want you with me."

"I love you too." Lauren whispered.

"You do?" Camila questioned a bit surprised.

"I do."

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