Secret Girl!?

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After the girls quickly went to grab Lauren's remaining items from her apartment, including Lauren's phone, they just decided to drive around New York.The drive was nice and fun, Lauren was trying to show Camila random things when they reached a red light.

Lauren and Camila both realized the feelings that they had for each other and how real it both was for them. They loved it, the feeling. Camila hasn't felt like this in a long time and Lauren never felt this with anybody.

Camila decided to surprise Lauren at a beach that was completely empty and had a beautiful view of the ocean and times square.

"Where we going?" Lauren asked Camila who was focus on the road.

"It's a surprise." Camila answered as she squeezed Lauren's hand.

"I hate surprises." Lauren whined.

"Trust me on this one." Camila replied with a light laugh.

The rest of the drive was quiet, but a comfortable quiet not that awkward type. When they arrived at the view, Lauren eyes went wide. Camila went on the other side of the car and opened the door for Lauren.

Lauren step out of  the car and gave Camila a huge hug, "I've never seen anything like this."

"I'm glad you like it... now come on." Camila shouted as she took Lauren's hand and they ran down the sand towards the ocean.

Camila and Lauren's didn't care about there clothes, they just cared about the happiness they had with them. Camila started to kick water towards Lauren and Lauren kicked some back.

After there water fight, they sat in the sand and watched the ocean waves move. They sat in quiet but in a few seconds later Lauren's phone started to vibrate.

When she saw her bestfriends name, she stood up and stepped away from Camila right before telling her she had to answer the phone call.

"Hey Mani, whats up?" Lauren asked happily.

"Lauren! What are you doing with Camila fucken Cabello!!?" Normani shouted on the other side of the phone.

"What- how did you know!?" Lauren shouted back

"There were pictures of her putting you in her car but they didn't get your face only your shoes! And i know your heels! Lauren please tell me you guys didn't do anything." Normani explained to Lauren.

"Well i mean- we had sex like one time and one time in the shower- I swear i wasn't drunk when we did it thoug-"Lauren got cut off by a screaming Normani.

"LAUREN SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Normani shouted on the other side of the phone making Lauren choke.

Lauren made eye contact with a Camila who waved at her, "I'll call you back Mani." And she ended the call.

Lauren was furious, she couldn't believe it. She marched over towards Camila who already realized that Lauren was upset and started to worry.

"You have a girlfriend!?" Lauren shouted at Camila who immediately got up.

"Lauren it's not what it looks like-"

"You let me stay at your house! You tell me you want to help me! You admit feelings for me right after we have sex!? And now you take me to the beach for what!? Why didn't you tell me you were taken! Now the worlds going to see me as a girl who's a whore!" Lauren shouted in anger, Camila let her too.

Camila allowed Lauren to scream out her feeling before speaking up again.

"Search up my name on google." Camila insisted.

"What?" Lauren questioned.

"Search my name up on google, and tell me what the first thing says." Camila instructed a confused Lauren.

Lauren took out her phone and listened. She typed in 'Camila Cabello' on google and pressed on the first link. She cleared her throat and read the link.

"Camila Cabello, a 20 year old singer/ songwriter who's known as her huge breakdown she had in 2016... it was reported that Camila had multiple one night stands... in a single month... her fans on twitter and instagram has completely turned on her leaving rude and disrupted comments like 'She's such a hoe' 'i can't believe i supported her'... here's a video of Camila leaving a hotel and being bombed with paparazzi, you could clearly see her crying..." Lauren's voice started to get quieter by the second, realizing what she was saying, she didn't see the video but the picture that was shown was enough for Lauren.

"I was- i'm known as a hoe. Not as a singer who has worked her ass off to get to where she is at now. I'm not known for my awards, money, or music... just my breakdown... i don't have a girlfriend Lauren. It's all a lie. My manager said that proving i've gotten myself together means getting a girlfriend, but i didn't get one. I just made one up... i like you Lauren, i really do. And i'm sorry that people now think your my 'secret girl' because i helped you. I don't want the people or my fans to hate me again and think of me as a whore or a hoe..." Camila admitted, not losing eye contact with Lauren.

While Camila was telling Lauren the truth, Lauren felt bad. And she knew it was the truth because of Camila's eyes. She knew. She just knew. But Lauren's anger was still there.

"Why do you care what they will think? Why is it so important to your okay and your better? Why do you want them to know and care!?" Lauren shouted, wanting true answers.

"I want them to know i'm not a joke!" Camila shouted back with tears rolling down her eyes. "I want them to know that i won! And that the girl who broke down wasn't me!" At this point Camila was sobbing.

She was finally able to let it out and Lauren was there to comfort her, Lauren didn't waste a second to have Camila in her arms.

"I'm not broken... i'm not b-broken." Camila sobbed.

"I know camz... i know."

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