Pizza Place

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Lauren's Pov-

I felt so bad for Camila...

I didn't realize she went through so much, it killed me that she was upset. I understood what she was going through, sadly i wish she didn't have to go through it.

When Camila fell asleep on my lap on the beach, i texted Mani to get the things cleared up and explained to her since i need somebody to talk to. Thank god she understood.

It was around 6 o'clock, when Camila started to slowly wake up. I couldn't stop her crying because i realized that she maybe hasn't let it out and it's good to cry. Camila looked up and me and covered her face.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

I took her hands out of her face, moved the hair out of her face. "Don't worry about it babe."

Camila picked her head up and gave me one of her sweetest kisses ever, i kissed her back and smiled.

"As much as i love kissing you, what about we get dinner?" I asked her.

"Like... something fancy or-" I cut her off.

"I was thinking about pizza." I told her honestly.

She laughed, "I have the perfect pizza place.. but um the place is like sorta popular and paparazzi might be there but i don't want to put you in a uncomfortable situation and i understand if you wouldn't want to go-" Camila started to ramble off.

"Camz. It's okay." I said as i took her hands.

She smiled and gave me another kiss. God, i love her kisses.

We walked back to the car together, hand in hand. Camila opened my door like the gentle women she is and then went to her side with the biggest smile on her face.

I was relieved that we talked everything out and got it situated. I still think that dating a celebrity will still be tough, but i'm willing to go through the trouble for Camila.

While Camila was driving, and switching every music station that wasn't playing her song, i decided to question her.

"Why don't you listen to your own songs?" I asked her when she finally stopped switching the stations.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

Right before i was going to answer, the radio man continued to speak, "The secret girl has just now been seen with Camila Cabello,"

"Put it up!" Camila told me so i did.

"Paparazzi caught Camila helping the girl inside her car right after the secret girl has exited a bar. Go onto our link and you can see the bars video camera of them close together. Now, here's Camila's new hot single "Havana"

Camila shut off her radio, she looked at me and i immediately went into there link. I searched it up as fast as i can and pressed it.

I pressed on the video from that bars camera and showed it to Camila when she pulled over next to the pizza place. In the video, you could see when Camila caught me, and me bringing her close to me.

Wow, i'm glad i could finally remember our first time meeting.

When the video ended, Camila looked over at me. "On the bright side, they can't fully see your face. Please don't be mad at me." Camila crossed her fingers and shut her eyes.

"Mad?" I questioned, "Why would i be mad? Now, the world thinks that i'm your secret girl, and i think i would prefer to not be a secret. Now that we are kinda dating."

"Dating huh?" Camila questioned with a smirk.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I told her as i took ahold of her shirt collar and pulled her close to me to kiss her sweet pink lips.

After our quick make out session, Camila helped me out of the car. "Hey, if things get out of hand, say the word and we can get out of there." Camila said as she looked at me in the eyes.

"Nothings going to go wrong." I told her and kissed her lips.

We crossed the street, hand in hand and out of nowhere there were paparazzi everywhere. Camila kept me close as we squeezed ourself into the pizza shop.








While people shouted and screamed, the lights were killing me. I hate crowds... maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

When we finally entered the place, you'd be surprised that it wasn't pack at all. I mean a few people here and there but they didn't react like the people outside.

"You alright?" Camila asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I lied but she seemed to believe it.

She ordered the pizza, while i sat down waiting patiently. When Camila paid, she walked over to me right when the paparazzi started to yell outside.

"Oh another celebrity, five dollars on another singer." I heard Camila bet that made me laugh but join.

"Five dollars on an actress." I said confidently with a smile.

We both waited for the doors to be pushed open and when they were my eyes went in complete shock while Camila sat there besides me, sticking her hand out for her five dollars.

I reached in my pocket while i still froze and gave her five dollars. She laughed and smiled.

"Go say hi, don't be weird." I heard Camila comment.

"No no no, god no." I completely shut down that idea but of course Camila didn't care.

"Hey Lana!" Camila called after her.

I jumped onto of Camila trying to get her quiet before i heard Lana Del Ray laugh right behind me. I stopped and chuckled, making it sound so fake.

"Ouch." I heard Camila groan.

"Hey Camila! Who's this?" Lana asked when she gave me the sweetest smile.

"This is my girlfriend Lauren, she's a big a fan of your music." Camila answered as she ripped her elbow.

"Hi." I waved awkwardly, keep calm Lauren.

"Your adorable. Do you mind if i wait with you guys?" Lana asked.

"No no not at all." I replied happily.

I cannot believe this is happening.

"So how long have you guys been dating?"

I was about to answer her but Camila decided to answer instead, "Five months."

I choked, "Yeah."

"That's so cute. Camila i've been meaning to have my manager to reach out to you and ask if you would want to open my tour here in New York." Lana suggested.

I looked over to Camila who seemed to not like the idea, "I'm working on my album at the moment but i'll think about it." Camila answered.

"Order for Camila Cabello!" I heard the pizza guy shout.

I slipped out of the booth and let Camila say bye to Lana and went to grab the pizza.

"Can we uh um get a picture?" I asked Lana.

"Of course." She answered cutely.

We took our picture and i immediately sent it to Normani.

Oh she's going to be so jealous.

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