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Camila's Pov-

I rushed out of the building that they were hosting the award show, i tried my best to run towards the hotel Lauren and Zayn were spotted at.

I cannot believe that i ever trusted David, all he ever wants is publicity. I can't let Lauren do this. I won't allow it, she doesn't deserve it.

I would be lying if i said i wasn't a bit upset... i mean she should've told me at least. But right now i have to push my feelings aside to try to make this better... well better for Lauren.

When i turned a corner, i saw loads of paparazzi outside the hotel. I could tell they were waiting, and it was about time Zayn would leave the hotel, just as planned.

I sneaked in the back entrance, really glad that no one was inside just the girl who was working the desk but she didn't seem to notice me. I rushed towards the elevator, and waited.

When the doors opened, I saw Zayn and Lauren standing besides each other.

"Camila- what are you doing here!?" I heard Lauren exclaim as i pushed myself into the elevator.

"I um... i'm going to go." Zayn said awkwardly, continuing the plan that David and his manager might have put together.

Zayn left and the elevators closed, i immediately pushed the red button, making the elevator stop.

"I can't let you do this Lauren." I explained as i stared into her eyes. "I know what it's like being in this situation, but the only bad part was that it wasn't for publicity. I can't let you put yourself in this situation."

"How did you find out?" Lauren asked.

"I realized your weird behavior- but that's not the point. Lauren, please. You don't have to this, just to prove something to me." I begged as i held her hand.

"I'm a nobody Camila... i'm just your girlfriend. And i don't want to be known as that, don't get me wrong Camila i love being your girlfriend- i just want me to be L-lauren." Lauren stuttered, i could tell she was having a hard time explaining.

"This isn't going to change anything Lauren, but i promise you... i will do everything in my power to help you go through this." I pressed the red button again, making the elevator go back up.

"Camila, no. No! You already been through this, and you hated it!" Lauren shouted as she tried to fight me when the elevator opened, i lightly pushed her out.

"I care about you way to much to let you go through it too... i'll see you at home." I whispered with tears coming down my face, i messed up my hair and let the elevators close.

I heard Lauren pounding on the door but i ignored it and went down. I couldn't let her do this. One night she told me, that she didn't want to be known as a whore, that was the only thing that gave her doubts about dating me. So i'm not going to let that happen, not on my watch.

When the elevator doors open, i sighed and exited it. I messed my hair up a bit more, ruined my makeup, and pulled my dress down. I had already arranged a car from Ally on the way over here. She had no idea about this.

One more breath, and i was out the door.







I ignored it as much as i can, the lights, the yelling. I felt myself building up with frustration.

I saw my security push the paparazzi away, making room for me to walk. I was pushed into my SUV and i saw Ally sitting down with a worried face. I wiped a tear from my eyes and got myself together.

"Camila- oh sweetie. What do you need?" Ally asked as she hugged me tightly.

"There's a art convention in Atlanta, have David meet me at the airport. Get my jet ready, and when we're done with this Ally... keep an eye on Lauren." I instructed Ally, who looked at me and nodded.

I have to do this.

Lauren's Pov-

I waited at home for Camila but she never showed up. I was on my phone and scrolled through the horrible things they were assuming on the internet. I felt myself crumble... i didn't believe she did that for me.

All i felt was regret.

I tossed my phone on the couch, and decided to draw on the nearest wall there was. I know i should draw on the wall but i was to lazy to get a paper and i wasn't even sure there was one.

A few minutes later, i just stared at the wall.

I got lazy and decided to head to the couch where i saw my phone. I went towards it and picked it up.

I got a voicemail from Camila.

"Hey Lo, i um... i'm not sure i'm going to make it out of this. T-the plane is- Lauren, if something happens to me, i want you to know that i love you. *Explosion* I love you so much Lauren. *Yells* I l-love you- *Crash*"


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