blood plasma MsPH-2

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Writer's note :
From this point, the next chapters would be fully in English and I will translate the previous chapter after I finished this story.

"Surely, in order to get these much of the consentrats, we need to kill them..." says Renka.

"Yes, but I don't wanna play a game with the cops. I don't wanna be put in a fucking prison." Alex tries to rationalize his mind.

"This may be hard, but we have no fucking choice. They don't have any relatives and they barely interacts with the neighbors too, specially since the tragedy. They withdraw from the society, means that no one would give a fuck if they suddenly gone. We just need to keep it lowkey..." Sisil said.

"I think his parents had known it. As someone who had known him since i was his neighbor in the childhood, his behaviors had always been concerning," tells Melisa.

"Yeah...  I remember when I was in elementary, I saw him murdering his neighbor's rabbit and putting the organs in the middle of the fucking street, simply because he said it was fun! I think they already have a clue, that there is something wrong with their child," Alex explains.

"I mean, why do his parents want the investigation to get stopped? If Tristan is a victim also, they won't have the sincerity to just let their child gone that way, case closed in as a suicide ... They probably know it was their child's fault. I mean, how embarrassed they would be if the world knows the truth!" Arvia exclaims.

"That's making sense, just like what Mr. Nikola said, they don't want to bring up this case ever again," says Katrina.

"That's it.... we have revealed the truth and what we have to do is just to tell Daria's parents. I mean, just give them the periodic table so they could access Daria's memory, and... done. But, the process of us trying to find the cause, lead to another problem, the bacteria. And probably.... the police may have carried it to other people before they announced death," says Alex.

"This could be an outbreak tbh..."

"Yes, We need to stop this. The students will start using the laboratories by next week. No one knows about the bacteria and we couldn't tell them about it too. We ain't gonna let mass hysteria happens," Sisil reaffirms.

They freeze for a while.

"Okay, but, could you please tell more about the plasma therapy?" asks Alex to Sisil.

"Alright, this is antibody transfer actually. First, we need to get all of their blood and use the centrifugation method in order to separate the blood plasma. Then,  we could use phosphate binding method in order to separate MsPH-2 from the rest of the plasma. Last, mix it up with AgNP (silver nanoparticles) and do the intravenous injection," Sisil explains.

"Right, get it, we need to murder Tristan's parents for fucking sure. Besides, they all are in charge indirectly about what their child had done. They are also responsible for that!" Renka replies.

"Hmmm.... as far as I know... this bacteria incubation period is about 7 days. We have about a week before shit went down. Now, before finally we could extract the antibodies, we need to take these pills."

Then, Sisil hands her friends a few pills of Pralidoxime, "For the next few days, we could count on these pills, the bacterial count is still on the low level, so we can help fighting the excess organophosphate simply just with the regular dose."

"But, after a week, the dosage would keep going up to the lethal dose, which is fatal for us to keep up with. We need to act fast." Sisil explains. "The plasma extraction would take about 3 days. So, we only have 4 days to murder them."

"Right, Alex... stay calm..." Alex trying to keep himself calm.

"Okay... I have a fucking plan!" Arvia exclaims. "Just like what Tristan done, we need to create the murder scene as if it was caused by suicide."

"True, and it's sound logical if their parents commit suicide after they lost their only child, right?" Renka says, "We won't get caught."

"Right, okay... okay... now i think it's better if we manage to make it seems like it was a hemorrhage episodes, since there would be blood everywhere." Renka adds.

"W-wait, they have an underground bunker right? Located 50 meters below the ground, with high security level, we could hide their bodies there!" Melisa says while shrugging.

"Which means it's harder for us to sneak inside to find them and kill them at the first place."

"We need to put Bromadiolone to their food! If we use the lethal dose, it is enough to kill an adult by 24 hours! double the dose, then!" said Sisil, "Then it only take them 12 hours!"

"Sounds great! Now we need to buy some! B-but... where???"

"It's just a fucking rodenticide... Its about the dosage that makes it a poison! We could simply get the concentrated one from the black market!" Alex says.

"Bruh, cyanide is easier, dude! Why don't we use both LMAO. Cyanide to kill them and the Bromadiolone to fake the hemorrhage episodes. At least, the Bromadiolone effect would've took place by the time the cops arrive-" Arvia gives an idea.

"-if we get caught, too, though..." Alex interrupts.

"Alright... how to put it in their food though???" asks Arvia.

"Easy, we could easily work together for this, tho. We could use a drone to deliver the drugs through the home vent. I have mapped the vent, though, using this SmartBox. It radiate electromagnetic wave so it could locate all the metals in the vent, giving us the ability to map out the whole vent system!" Alex exclaimed firmly.

"It has a camera attached with it too! We could control the drone and put the drugs inside the food they're gonna eat! Easyyy!!! The drone is also biodegradable,  which means the whole part of the drone would've degraded to soil just in 3 days! what we have to do is just to land it in soil after we finish the job!" Alex explain.

"Yeah that sounds like a very brilliant idea though!! It's night already, and I think it's better for us to go to bed! We need to prepare all the goods and also mentally for this, though... we need a good sleep, then," said Katrina.

"Yes, you're right, let's go to sleep instead. We'll start tomorrow..."

Then they slept in Alex's house.

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