She giggled taking her hand from mine she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me down to her height "I called you the man of my dreams Harry" she lightly kissed me just a very airy tender kiss

"Well then I hope you never wake up" I deepened the kissed bringing her as close to me as I possibly could

I groaned as her phone rang which made her leave our kiss I stood straight as she answered "hello!" She greeted "oh yes! We're in the garden, we'll start heading back to the patio where the bar is at" she bit her lip "right okay meet you there"

"Who was that?" I frowned

"That was Niall I invited him" she started back toward the patio

"Niall? You have Niall's number?" I asked

"Uh-huh we talk all the time" she laughed leaving me behind

"About what?" I took long strides to not only catch up but step in front of her

"Dunno really kinda just anything and everything" she shrugged "he can be so funny" she smiled

"Why did you invite him?"

"Same reasons we're here charity, good image, and fun" she hummed "now let's go" she glided around me continuing toward the patio

I downed my drink and passed the empty glass to a passing waiter

"BABE!" I jumped when Niall practically tackled Alexis She laughed clinging to him

"Niall you scared the hell out of me!" She swatted at him

"Been a while babe I couldn't help but get excited to see you" he squeezed her then kissed her head

"Nice to see you too mate" I spoke up

He let her go but pulled her up under his arm rubbing her shoulder "Harry I'm very surprised that she managed to drag you here"

"I came willingly" I grabbed her arm pulling her back to me wrapping my arm around her so it rested under her chest

"Willingly huh?" Niall cocked an eyebrow "did I do something?"

He sensed my hostility, you'd have to be blind, deaf, dumb, and dense not to

"I don't think she appreciates being grabbed" I realized the irony trust me

Niall just laughed "uh okay" he clapped "anyway you ready to play?" He asked excitedly

"Oh yes! I think-"

"Niall isn't playing" I looked down at Alexis "he doesn't play tennis"

"I mean it's not golf but I'm sure I can manage" Niall laughed

"I know you really didn't wanna play sir so Niall offered to play with me" she patted my arm

"No I'm playing" I shook my head

"Oh? Really?" Alexis squeaked

I nodded "of course darling I told you I was going to play so I'm going to play" I looked at Niall offering a very sharp side smirk "didn't mean to get your hopes up" I dropped my face back to normal

"TEAMS TO THE COURT! ALL TEAMS TO THE COURT!" An announcement came over the speakers

"That's us!" She clapped I guided us to the court where all the other teams lined up they gave us a run down of how the game was going

Best of 3 there was 6 teams and the winner gets a year long membership to the club for free as well as 2,000 dollars plus the trophy of course (which to most people here that was pocket change, they were here for the membership) and the runner up team gets a dinner here at the club with live entertainment along with a smaller trophy

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