Meetings and surprises

Start from the beginning

He smiled and shakes his head "You drifted to sleep a while back when Deku texted to come down to eat, I didn't want to wake you so I went down alone to eat with the plan to bring you something to eat" he explained making her smile and nod to his kind words, she looked over the delicious food and began to slowly eat what was brought to her,  there was a delicious soup with a small loaf of bread that was still warm to the touch, there were some vegetables and some rice with a glass of water for her to drink... Then she noticed Katsuki grabbing some pill bottles and grabbing a few pills for her to take to help with the pregnancy "Eat before taking them" he said making her nod as she began to eat slowly her meal.

By the time she finished eating and took the pills... She was slowly drifting to sleep while sitting up "Lay down and get some sleep... And make your nest" he said making her slowly nod as she got to work, she had planned on making her nest when they arrived but sadly she was too tired to do so, once done she curled up into her nest and went to sleep, her alpha smiled at her sleeping form... But sighed over the fact that she didn't get changed before going to sleep, so after putting the tray outside there room, he got to work on changing her and then moved to join her in there nest for the night, he didn't care if someone wanted to talk to him or for him to hang with them... He was sleeping with his pregnant omega for the night.

When the rays of the sun came into the room, Katsuki was already up and heading down to have breakfast, he needed to get his omega something to eat right now... And maybe have the pack join them to eat, but just as he was about to leave the room "Alpha... Where are you going?" he turned to find Jasmine waking up slowly as she sat up in there nest, he smiled softly and walked up to her "I'm going to get us breakfast" he said as she shakes her head "i'm coming with you" she decided making him sigh and help her get changed, once ready they walked out together and went downstairs where the pack was already waiting for them.

It was Denki who saw them but Eri was the one who went to them with a warm greeting, she had them sit down as she told them the games she and Deku played together before going to sleep, Jasmine smiled as Katsuki moved to help in preparing breakfast... But Kota made him sit down at the table with his pack making Izuku look confused, he never saw the pup act like that before now, he might need to talk to Mandalay about this in the hopes she has an idea on all of this, the other's slowly began to walk in as the food was being served, Jasmine smiled with her pack as she ate with them the wonderful breakfast as they talked about having some fun by the water for a bit together... Jasmine was already excited to have some fun.

It wasn't long before she with Katsuki went back to there room to grab a few things before joining the pack outside to get going... With Kota joining them "He said he wanted to join us" Izuku said simply making them nod as they got going, once close to the water, some got undressed to be only in there swimwear before jumping into the water, Katsuki on the other hand set down a few towels for Jasmine to sit on with Eri and Kota before moving to join the other's in the water, she watched them with a giggle as she read a book she brought with her while Eri began to color once more while Kota kept an eye out for something, Jasmine had been confused at first but decided to ignore it for now.

It was then that he began to hiss all of a sudden, Jasmine looked around to find a black limo parking into the area with a silver van right behind, she didn't understand why Kota was hissing like this as the pack came over in surprise to his reaction to the two vehicles, slowly the back door of the limo opened before the driver could open it himself... And then she smelled it, a familiar scent that made her change into a wolf and run off towards the blonde woman that was on the phone as she stood out of the limo "Yes dear I arrived safely, no there's no need for you to-OOF!" the woman dropped her phone as Jasmine knocked her to the ground in her wolf form with the tail wagging like crazy.

BNH: Angel with red eyesWhere stories live. Discover now