To be Continued

Comincia dall'inizio

"Samchon, I want to look over there," Junseo pointed to the next hall where the atlases and almanacs were.

Seonghwa let him go after they agreed to meet up in front of the hall within an hour. He then left the trio play loudly in the inflated bounce castle at the very far end of the hall, keeping an eye at them outside the play pen. Haru, on the other hand, was silently scanning the contents of the children's bookshelves.

"When will it start, samchon?" Junseo asked from his left with Daehan between them.

"Five minutes. Let's wait a little bit more, okay?" he tried to answer as audible as possible without awakening the sleeping Manse on his lap. "Fighting."

"Manse is sleeping now?" Minguk quietly asked from his right. "He won't see Mother Fairy."

"We'll tell him about her later once he wakes up." Seonghwa turned to the six year-old with a small smile.

The book signing event was large scale. As expected to their marketing and sales team. He pulled a little string the night before and got them a good seat in the hall. The lights then slowly dimmed, earning a few shrieks from the young audience.

Then, she appeared.

Author Bong Iseul.

Or, Mother Fairy, as the childrenㅡand their parentsㅡknew her.

The loud applause faded out from his head. He even forgot the full weight of the child against his body. The all too familiar smirk on her face and the way she flipped her long hair off her shoulder consumed his very being. And by the time she was already sitting center stage, reading her latest book, Seonghwa's appearance had grew significantly dimmer.

I should have known it was you!

After the reading session, Seonghwa already had his straight professional face on as the children were walking forward to get their favorite books signed. The boys were all huddled around her, including the now fully awake Manse. While he held the teary eyed Haru in his arms.

"Hi," she greeted them, looking at each of their little round faces while taking the books they brought. "Who do we have here today?"

"My name is Goo Junseo. These are Daehan, Minguk, and Manse." The eldest introduced them excitedly then pointed to their sister. "And that's Haru and Seonghwa hyung."

The woman followed his finger and locked eyes with Seonghwa. She held onto their gaze for a second before bringing it back to the children around her.

"Wow! Nice to meet all of you." She kept the small talk only towards the boys as she scribbled on their books expertly. "I hope you liked my story."

The triplets then began speaking at the same time but they stopped when Haru slid off Seonghwa's hold and decided to physically move them aside so she could walk up to the author.

"I didn't want Daddy Dragon to go away," she said to her. "I want Bunny to save him too so he can go back and teach the baby dragons how to fly again. The baby dragons..." Haru's eyes begun to fill with tears once more.

But instead of comforting the girl, the woman sitting across the table smiled contemptuously at her and whispered, "Then, you should write your own story."

Seonghwa was so baffled, he took the children home immediately after that. He could not believe the words that that woman threw at an innocent eight-year old child. He was hell bent to condemning her to what she did. But he knew she knew how powerful her pseudonym alone was in the media world. And that one incident could be considered irrelevent; a heresay at most.

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