He takes the glass from me and turns to put it back in the side.

I watch. Obviously.

I choose Carter. I can't fight this draw he and I have. This... chemistry, this pull.

He makes me feel like no one else.

I hoped I could get the feeling from Christian, from my Cric. But, you can't just hope this feeling will grow. I realise that now.

It wasn't fair to do this to Cric... He did everything right, everything to make me feel special and make me feel like this could really work. He was just too late. Me and Carter... we're in too deep already.

This... spark... between me and Carter.. I've only felt this draw once before... just once... and it was a spark that didn't grow.

I wonder, could I of felt this way with him? Before he moved away?

Fruitless thinking about him now. Not to mention.. I want Carter. I have Carter right here. In my bed, where we belong together.

I couldn't go through Carter leaving like he did. Where did that thought come from?

"C'mere." Carter whispers, breaking me from my thoughts. His arms wide open waiting for me to snuggle into him again.

I close my eyes, my head throbbing behind my eyes keeps me from finding comfort instantly.

"Sleep it off beautiful, I've got you." Carter whispers, kissing the top of my head again as I cuddle into him.

I take his leg again between mine, it's comfy. If he minds this position, he doesn't say.

Carter PoV

I wake up and instantly feel Georgia's fingers on my back, her face close to my chest as I lie on my side holding her.

"You awake?" Georgia whispers to me.

"Um hm" I smile.

"Morning." She whispers.

I can't believe I'm here, in Georgia's bed, with her wrapped up in my arms.

She chose me. She actually wants me.

I move back slightly, she peeks up at me.

Damn, she's beautiful.

"Your head ok now?" I ask her and she moves off me, I don't want her to, but she does.

"Yeah, much better." She stretches out on her back, I roll further to my side to face her, my hand still on her side.

I wonder what she's thinking?
How weird will this morning be?
I hope she doesn't change her mind.
I really hope she still wants to be with me.

"Sorry about last night."

She frowns at me "what about it?" She asks confused.

"Well, sorry you had a headache, I'm sorry if you felt I took advantage of you? Staying in here?" I feel I should apologise.

"What? Carter what do you mean?" She yawns, covering her mouth "I asked for you to stay?"

She looks to me, turning to face me, her hair falls over her face and we both reach our hands to move it. She tucks it out the way, I still move to do it too.

I rest my hand where it is, behind her ear.

She's looking at me with this half expectant, half uncertain look.

I wish I knew what she was thinking.

"Do you regret staying?" She asks in a quiet voice.

How could she think that?
Have I damaged her trust me in that much?
Her self worth that much?

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