Twenty nine

Depuis le début

I hear the girls muttering, complaining about me quietly.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask quietly. I used to be invisible, I liked invisible.

"I got your back," he winks at me. His tongue sticks out a little through his teeth as he smiles.

Oh Harden...


"No way! Who the fuck even likes Easter eggs? I'm telling you, Halloween's the best holiday!" Harden smiles widely as he talks. Such a big, manly, dangerous looking kid.

"Noooooo Christmas!" I smile adding to the conversation as I walk into lunch with Harden and James.

"Yeh, Christmas ain't bad. I thought you'd say like Valentine's Day or something?" James jokes.

"What cos I'm a girl?" I laugh and he shrugs with a laugh.

"Hey, don't hate on Valentine's Day." Harden gives a pointed look to James who just laughs him off.

I'm laughing along, walking with them through the lunch tables.

I spot Carter at one table, then Christian at a different one.

"Harden, here." James points to a table on the other side of us that's free. The three of us sit down.

"We got your back G." James winks to me.
I appreciate it, I do, but... it's not fair on the boys to all split up over me.

"Hey!" Carries joins us and Harden is quick to greet her with his cheeky smile.

I'm rooting for these two.

James and I talk for a bit, then I spot Gabe walk in talking to Candace.

And here's me thinking he likes Stephanie.

He's got his back to me, I can't see Candace to tell why they're taking.

"Uh oh." I mutter looking over James' shoulder to see Stephanie walk in.

I see her look around for us, then, she spies Gabe.

Uh shit.

Her eyes narrow. She sizes up Candace.

I stand and rush over.

"Always tryin to get your dick wet aren't you Gabe." I hear Stephanie laugh at him as she walks up to him.

"Baby with you, always trying." I hear him tell her. I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me?" Candace raises her eyebrows at him.

I sense someone behind me, I feel a hand on my hip, just a light supporting one.

"Bye Candace. Like I've said before. Vanilla ain't my flavour!" He tells her coldly.

I'm shocked. Yeh she's a bitch but.. he just insulted her openly like that.. wow.

"You sure?" She steps closer to him, moving her mouth to his ear, she can't get close as he's tall. I'm sure we all hear her speak in a seductive, desperate tone.

"I know you like my mouth and-"

"Stop embarrassing yourself Candace," he moves back. His expression isn't cocky, obnoxious, it's awkward and disgusted. Huh.

"Sorry, Stephanie, what did you say?" He pushes his hands into his pockets and turns his attention to her.

My friend just blinks at him a few times. Her arms folded over her chest.
Her face unreadable.
Then, she turns and walks off.

"Uh.. what just happened?" I turn and see it's Carter with his hand on my hip. Oh.

"I think... Stephanie just turned me down." Gabe mutters looking to the table where Carrie is sitting with Harden and James still.

I look back at Gabe who's clearly taking a minute.

Carter burst out laughing and I cover my mouth to keep my laugh in.

"What's funny?" Gabe asks us. A little blush creeping up his neck.

I step closer to him, he doesn't want everyone hearing our conversation. Carter's hand on my hip falls.

"Gabe, do you like my friend Stephanie?" I ask a little teasingly.

He sighs, looking straight into my eyes, searching for a second, then mutters coldly "well, I gotta like someone that isn't you Georgia haven't."

He walks off.


The day goes on, Carrie gives me a lift home.

She tells me how much she likes Harden, it's all we talk about thankfully. I'm happy for them. He's turning into being a really good friend. I think he likes her too.

I didn't get to talk to Stephanie to check in with her, so I plan on calling her when I get home.

I don't know what to make of Gabes comment earlier, it's weird.

My head is pounding from all the days events and I just wanna chill out, ignore the drama.

Christian and Carter have been distant, we've spoken but only in a group situation. It's strange.

I feel myself drawn to watching them. Their mouths, their expressions, their mannerisms.

I'm a creep. I know I'm doing it but I don't care. When I get caught out, I look away.

I make a bowl of cereal, but don't finish it, my head is hurting so much.

I just decide to go to bed.

Carter PoV

I can't help but watch her, but... when I see how she looks at Christian, it hurts.

I know she has feelings for him, and she says she wants time to work it all out. I respect that, I do. It took me time to work out my feelings too.

However, I can't keep watching her closely from afar. I need to distance myself.

So, I took James up on his offer to stay at his for a few nights, just until Georgia knows what she wants.

After school, I head to James', then realise I need my shit from home.

I park up at home. I wonder if Georgia is home too? Her car still isn't here to give me any indication.

I go into the empty kitchen, I don't know if she's home, maybe in her room?

I walk upstairs and check her room.

I see her all cuddled up, her dark hair a mess on the pillows.
She's in bed. It's only 530?

I walk over to her side of the bed. I sleep on the other side.

I slept. I used to sleep there...

I crouch down next to her.
Her flutter eyes open, frowning.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly and she closes her eyes.

"My head hurts," she tells me in a groaning voice.

"Is there anything I can do?" I hate seeing her in pain.

"Hold me," she asks in a whisper.


Nearly fully up to date now!
It's nearly time for NEW UPDATES!

And time for 'It's You.' to come back & get completed!

Maybe 'Treat you better' too?

Oh, and I will definitely be completing the 'Pleasure > Innocence' series!

L x

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