.4-The flight or The fu..?

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Minutes passed in pure comfortable silence after their little interaction, which entertained both of them pretty great.

Now it was Camila who starts the conversation.

- So... you're Cuban, right?

- Yeah, Cuban-American. You too I guess. I mean she butchered our names amazingly...

- Yep, guessed it right. -Camila said chuckling- actually, I'm Cuban-Mexican-American. My home is in Mexico City.

- Uh.. Beautiful place. Well, I'm from Miami.

- You know, that name thing happens a LOT with me, people are so dumb..- the other said, changing the subject and giggling.

- I mean dude.."Camila" is the thing, and, I think, God it's really annoying. And it's just that when we say it in Spanish it pronounces "Cameela". But I guess, um, in like American.. kind of dialects, they say as "Chamilla". I'm like 'Call me Cami". -Lauren was giggling freely on the other ones observation skills 'till now.

- Oh, tell me about it. As you know, my last name's pretty intense, like "Jauregui", so I get "Jaguar","Jaureigi","Jagguiee"...

- Jagguiee...- Camila mocked her along with her----according to Lauren's mind-----"Angele's laugh".

- Yeah, one-time someone said "Sergio" but I think he just didn't wanted to take time for pronounce it.

- Sergio!? Ser..He was drunk!

- NO! It was a school announcement.

- ...the teacher didn't know? That's horrible.

- No, she did, it was the guy shouting me up, cuz like, I went to a private school. So they used to do like little random shoutouts, to different kids who did "Good-deeds", ya'know what I mean. So like I helped the teacher put the chairs up and she put my name in the morning announcements, and the guy who said, he was like "...shoutout to Sophie Barbara and Lauren..s-Sergio, I dunno..". I was like '"Jauregui"you get that wrong!'... Problems of being Cuban.

And Camila was seriously historically laughing at the story. Really, the other fellow travellers had some true patience shit.

- Oh my god Lauren... That's hilarious

- I know.

- Ahh..I really like this kind of nostalgic and funny stories, which is harmless but funny, ya'know always brings a smile on the lips, makes people happy. I love to make the people smile or laugh, though my humor is horrible, but I try..- Camila said, when their laughter died down.

- Yeah, you does seem that kinda girl.

- What kind? -Camila asked, furrowing her eyebrows a little.

- That...Good persona, like "If everyone is happy, then I'm happy.."...I mean, your face kinda tell us that, with sweet, positive-vibe-y smile 'n all, ..yeah.. you know what I mean..- Lauren tried to explain, throwing her hands in the air, trying to tell the girl what's actually in her mind.

While Camila was blushing her ear to cheek and mumbled- Thanks.

- Just saying the truth...-said Lauren shrugging and looking at her, her eyes resting on her face, and lingering for longer than it was "polite". She couldn't help it.

When Camila noticed her brazenly looking at her, she avarted her eyes and started looking at her left over pizza. It was a pleasantly awkward moment for both of them. Lauren, however, realized she should have exercised her mind over her heart. So no one said anything for a while.
For the next few moments both concentrated on finishing their food. The subjects like coffee, names and being Cuban had certainly broken the ice between the two. As she ate her sandwich and shipped her coffe, Lauren obviously realized Camila wasn't a bad person in reality or for her at all. She had been unnecessarily biased.

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