.3-The flight or The fu..?

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For the next couple of minutes, it was blur. But suddenly Lauren's almost peaceful sleep interrupted by a turbulence.

- Tsk.. - she did to herself, probably because of some unknown annoyance, as soon as her eyes fluttered open.

The buzz sound of the heavy engines of the plane, were dominating her ears. Intermittently, she heard the sound of turning the magazine pages. Which means...

- You. Gotta. Be. Freaking. Kiddin'. Me!! - She thought as soon as she looked on her right.

And now Lauren was basically fuming. She just turned her gaze, not letting the other girl realize that if only looks could kill or she could read her brain cells, she'd be dead on the floor.

- Damn it! Is this your read-me-sleep-to-magazine?, Did you even need to sleep!? OR you just wanted my, MY, window seat and ...

- Ma'am? -she heard a voice, cutting her bitter thoughts - Are you Miss Lauren-uh.. - Jauregui - Lauren said to the blonde air hostess, with an annoyed huff and an eye roll. Not caring to cover the fact that she's too much irritated right now.

-.. sorry, absolutely ma'am, um, actually miss your meal is pre-booked with us. So, What would you like to have?

- Ah...- to be honest, Lauren was blank. Well, not blank, it's just that there was only some kind of revenge plans and plots occupied her head for the brunette beside her.

So she uttered the first thing that occurred to her- Chicken mayo sandwich.

- Sure. And anything else would you like to have in beverages?

- Can I ask it in a while?

- Yes, no problem. -she answered placing the sandwich box on her tray and after exchanging a 'thanks' & 'welcome', the attendant shifted her eyes towards the window seat.

- Miss, Camilla Cabey-llo ?

The brunette looked up from the page smiling, and scrunched up her cute button nose - It's Camila - Cabello.

Again, the hostess gave an embarrassed smile.

- Right ma'am sorry, my bad well your meal is pre-booked too so may I ask you what would you like to have? -she asked, kinda rambling all together, like, she just wants to end this embarrassing situation and get going.

Camila laughed sweetly at her state saying- It's ok.. and yeah I'd like to have two slices of pepperoni pizza and, a diet coke?

- Sure ma'am. -she said smiling, and after placing the meal box and a coke, she was out of the view.

Lauren watched their interactions quietly. Then something hit her,

- oh, so I'm the cranky rude one and she's the flower-y-positive-happiness and shit, huh? ...Just b'cuz she's cute and all? Well, guess what, I'm having the mood swings because of her. So no, she's no sunshine of positivity here for me at all

Well, in actual reality, of course she's over thinking. The thing is, now even the girl's politeness irritated Lauren for no reason. Because, Lauren just knew, she can't be that polite in reality, after all she lied, she snatched her one fascination, the one life long little secret of some of her little happiness from her.
NO matter how beautiful she's looking with that smile of hers or when the Sun-rays hitting her face and those mesmerizing brown orbs.
The brown orbs which were now staring at her, with a questioning gaze.

- Oh hey! You slept well? - Camila asked out of courtesy and to overcome the awkwardness of the girl staring at for a little too longer.

Okay! This was the opportunity, Again! She's not gonna leave it, nope.

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