Chapter forty two

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⚠️mentions of abuse, rape, neglect, self harm, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide. Be careful when reading

I don't know much about legal things in England, so I framed this around American court and what I have seen on TV.


Louis' POV

A week later Louis had to go to court. He had to testify in court what Troy and the other two men had done to him. Louis was terrified to go to court. Going to court meant he had to see Troy and the other two men again.

He and Harry were putting on their suits so that they could go to court. Harry had been called to the stand to testify on the conditions of the house. Niall, Zayn, and Liam were also called to the stand.

"Are you ready" Harry said fixing his tie.

"I don't want to do this" He said.

"Louis, once you do this they will go away for good, and you won't have to see him again. You are stronger than him, you can do this" Harry said.

He nodded and Harry enveloped him in a hug.

"I believe in you" Harry said.

He cuddled into Harry's chest and allowed Harry to hold him.

"Let's go get this over with" Harry said.

"Yeah okay" He said.

"Do you want me to be in the court room" Harry asked.

"Uh I don't know; I don't know if I want you to hear everything" He said.

"That's okay Lou, if at anytime you feel uncomfortable with me being there, I will leave. You just give me the sign and I will get up and leave, I promise" Harry said.

"Thank you Haz" He said.

"Of course, my Love" Harry said.

They walked downstairs and waited for Anne to finish getting ready. She came downstairs and grabbed her purse. She came over and gave Louis a big hug.

"You've got this Hun, you are strong" She said.

"Thank you, Anne," He said.

She smiled and let him go. They all piled into the car and Anne drove them to the courthouse. They were quite the entire time. Harry sat in the back of the car with him and hugged him the entire time. Louis was just trying to stay calm and not panic. 

They arrived at the courthouse half an hour later. They got it out and Louis froze at the front steps of the courthouse. He felt frozen in place. He did not want to go in there.

"Louis, I'm here for you, we can do this together" Harry said.

"Together" He echoed, with tears in his eyes.

Harry grabbed his hand, and they climbed the steps together. They went through the metal detectors and waited outside of their court room. Zayn, Niall, and Liam were sitting on a bench outside of the room waiting for them.

"Hey guys" He said.

"Hey Louis" Niall said.

"Are you sure you are ready for this" Liam asked.

"Honestly no, but I want those bastards to go away for good" He said.

"We're here for you Louis" Zayn said.

"I know, thank you" He said smiling slightly.

They all came in and gave him a loving hug. The prosecuting Lawyer came towards them He was a tall man with short brown hair. He wore a sharp suit and had a briefcase, he looked very professional and official.

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