Chapter forty

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⚠️mentions of abuse, rape, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, and panic attacks


Louis' POV (mid-March)

After a month and a half almost two in the hospital Louis was finally free. Louis was so glad he was finally out of the hospital. Although he loves having Harry around, he was starting to feel suffocated. People were always coming to see him friends, family, and Harry. His instincts told him to run when people came to close, and people were now close to him. He was getting restless in the hospital and was glad to be out.

He was really excited to get back on the field. He was in his element when he was playing, and he missed it so much. Regionals and the championship finals were coming up quickly, and he needed to start practicing. He really needed a university scholarship and was hoping to impress the university scouts. Plus, now he had a crazy story for his university application. He was trying to look on the bright side.

Even though Louis had healed physically, mentally he was still a wreck. Every time Harry was away from him, he panicked, but when Harry was too close it felt like he was being suffocated. For a couple of weeks, he was scared of eating, and they had to put a feeding tube in for a couple days. He hated every second of it. He cried and pleaded for them to take it out, but they wouldn't until he hit a certain weight. He still felt terrible about food, but he would eat so that they wouldn't have to put the tube back in. He also could hardly sleep through the night because of his terrible night terrors. He would sit against Harry's chest until he calmed down enough to fall back asleep. He also had to switch doctors because every time the male doctor touched him to examine him, he had a panic attack.

Today was the day he was getting out of the hospital. He was excited to go home but he knew what going home meant. Going home meant that he had to have his interview with the police. He had been worrying about it for weeks. He was dreading having to tell the story of what happened to someone. He hadn't even told Harry exactly what happened, and he probably would never tell him.

"Today's the day" Harry said.

"Yep" He replied.

"You're looking good Louis; you are clear to be discharged today" The nurse said.

"Thank you" he said.

The nurse nodded and walked out the door. Louis got out of the bed and winced. He was better, but he wasn't completely 100% fine per se. He of course would never admit that though. He was fine, he had been in far worse pain before and was okay enough to play a football game.

He grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom to get changed. Harry just sat on his bed and watched him out the corner of his eye. He got changed quickly, making sure not to look in the mirror. He hadn't looked in the mirror in months. He knew his body was riddled with scars both old and new. Harry never said anything about the scars, but he still felt disgusted by them. He was especially hated the word that was carved into his skin. He tried no to think about it because it made him, angry and sad.

He went back out of the bathroom and finished packing his bags so that he could go home.

"Ready to go babe" Harry said.

"Definitely" he said.

On his way out of the hospital all the nurses said goodbye to him. He smiled and waved goodbye to them. Harry took him to the car and drove him home.

When they got home, they hung out on the sofa and watched tv. Louis was still anxious about the interview tomorrow and didn't want to do anything today. Harr didn't mind though he just stayed next to him and supported him.

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