On the other side of the line, Hoseok was freaking out, signaling Namjoon to turn the big black SUV around and hurry up back home. Jin, who was sitting across from him and listening to the whole conversation dialed Yoongi and the new guards.

"No! Don't tell Jimin about it, can you please do it instead, just, please. I will explain everything once I get back."

Your breathing got heavier and you were sure that you can hear Jin's voice on the other side of the line too.


It was hard to talk too. Your heart started racing like crazy.

"Y/N! Did you eat or drink something since you've got home?" Jin asked you, but his voice felt like an illusion.


"Just listen to me, listen, go throw up, now!"

You fell down on your knees and put the phone on speaker so you can still hear him.

Somewhere in a near distance, you heard multiple gunfires.

Your heart was beating so fast and without thinking a moment about it, you stuck your index and middle finger down your throat. You were coughing and choking until the acidy liquid finally poured out covering the wooden floor.

You got another dose of adrenaline from puking which gave you some strength and you've managed to get up, but your body was still wobbly and head heavy.

"I- I, breathe..."

Your throat got tighter and tighter.

"Y/N! Listen to me!" Hoseok was shouting.

"Go and open up the windows now, all of them!" Jin said, in a deep and controlled, imperative voice.

Hoseok's screaming and Jin's order were the only things keeping you on your legs, as you were basically crawling towards the window. Everything felt so distant, so surreal.

Somehow, you've managed to crawl up and with the last bits of strength open it up, putting the upper half of your body out and taking in deep breaths.

"I- I d-did it."

You mumbled, but it took the whole capacity of your lungs to do so.

"Just keep on breathing."

Jin said.

"Yes, just take deep breaths in and out, and don't be scared, someone will come and get you soon."

While you were crawling for your life, Jin has dialed Yoongi and Yugyeom and ordered them to come to the mansion ASAP.

While taking deep breaths in and out, you observed the garden and the whole backyard and noticed that the new gardener was looking up towards you, and then in a blink of an eye, there were loud thumps on your door.

"Miss Jung, miss Jung, open up the door or I will break in, is everything alright?"

It was Misa's voice.

You tried to shout that you were fine, but it went out more like a weak whisper than a shout.

The thought of her, who was now suspicious of poisoning you, breaking into your room startled you.

"H-Hobi, Mr. Kim-" you were panicking while someone was forcefully banging on the door. You've looked down the window, estimating whether you'd survive the fall, and then noticed that the gardener was gone too.

Your mind was working as fast as it could in its current state, trying to find a way out or a sharp object to protect yourself.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

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