"I'm sorry, you've been Zelena's doting sister for all of what, three hours? No," Hades said.

"Who's going to be more motivated than me?" Regina said.

Hades turned to face Alana, "Alana," Hades said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Alana asked.

"Don't trust a word he says, Lana," Killian said.

"Now, I agree with the pirate," Regina said.

"You and I both know your family wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. If you help me save her, I'll take everyone's names off their headstones," Hades said.

"So, we can leave the Underworld," Alana said.

"So, what do you say, Younger Saviour? Do you want to send your family home or not?" Hades asked as Alana looked at him.

Flashback: Maine - 2009

Alana parked her yellow bug in a free spot in front of the highway diner that she and Emma were taken to as babies. Alana looked at Emma and her older sister nodded to her and they both out of the car, walking over the bar and stood at the counter. 

Emma ordered them both some cocoa to drink as Alana held an article about them being found as babies, they both were talking to the woman behind the counter. Alana handed over the article, "So, we just thought we'd ask on the off chance if there's someone still working here who remembers those babies being brought in," Alana said.

Another woman joined the line behind the twins and seemed to be watching them, "26 years ago? We can't keep a cook for six weeks," The woman behind the counter said.

"Maybe, like, a long-time customer?" Emma said.

"The food ain't good enough for that kind of loyalty. Sorry, honey's, but you two aren't gonna find anyone here who remember this," The woman behind the counter said.

The twins took their food and drinks, walked around to the sitting area, they sat down at a table together and looked at the article.

A woman named Cleo walked over to the twin's table, "Tough break, kids," She said.

The twins looked at her surprised, "What?" They said in unison.

Cleo sat down opposite them, "Heard what you two were asking. You reporters or something?" Cleo asked.

"No, nothing like that," Emma said.

"You're the babies, aren't you? From the article... You're the babies, right?" Alana fiddled with her swan necklace, "Intuition. Mine's usually pretty good. And I'm sorry. It's hard not being about to find your family," Cleo said.

Alana and Emma looked at each other and stood up, "It's just a dead end. We've had a lot of those. So, thanks for your concern, but we got this," Emma said and the twins turned to leave,

"Can I say one more thing based on my intuition?" Cleo asked.

"Can I say one more thing based on my intuition?" Cleo asked

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