34 - Ruby Slippers

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Zelena's farmhouse, Belle knocked on the door and Zelena opened the door, "Belle. To what do I owe the honour? Are you here to tear my crying baby from my arms again?" Zelena said.

"I need your help," Zelena scoffed and started to shut the door, "Please, I'm asking you as a mother," Belle said and Zelena let Belle into her house.

"I need your help," Zelena scoffed and started to shut the door, "Please, I'm asking you as a mother," Belle said and Zelena let Belle into her house

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Zelena and Belle were sat at the table in the kitchen opposite each other and Belle told her that she needed help with Hades.

"And what makes you think Hades would listen to me?" Zelena asked.

"I know that he's in love with you," Belle said.

Zelena chuckled, "My sister's got an even bigger mouth than I thought. Sorry, but Hades would never rip up one of his precious contracts even if I asked," Zelena said.

"Please, Zelena, you know what it's like to have to lose a child," Belle said.

"Why come to me when you've got the Dark One on your side," Zelena said.

"Yeah, can't really trust him right now," Belle said.

"So, you finally see the best behind the man," Zelena chuckled, "Maybe, you can understand why I'm not rushing to Hades with open arms," Zelena said.

"Well, I don't think it's because of me and Rumpel. I think it's because you're scared," Belle said.

"Of the Lord of Death?" Zelena laughed softly, "Please. I just know the truth. I'm never going to get my happy ending. Not with Hades, not with my daughter, not with anyone," Zelena said.

"How do you know that if you haven't tried?" Belle asked.

"Oh, I have tried," Zelena scoffed, "Look where I am," Zelena chuckled, "Drinking with the bookworm," Belle started to feel nauseous again and she stood up getting herself a glass of water, "Oh, come on. If I disgust you that much, maybe you both should leave," Zelena said.

"No, no, it's, uh... It's not... It's not that," Belle sipped her water, "It's just morning sickness. You remember what that's like," Belle said.

Zelena scoffed, "Actually, I don't. Not since the Younger Dark Swan made sure my pregnancy lasted all of 10 minutes," Zelena said.

"Wait. Hades, if... If he decides he wants my child now, he could speed up my pregnancy, too," Belle said as she had a worried look on her face.

"I'd love to say that he isn't capable of such a thing, but I can assure you he is," Zelena said.

"No, and I...I thought I had time on my side," Her eyes began to water, "I guess I don't," Belle said.

Zelena sighed, "That's not necessarily true," Belle looked at her, "There may be a way," Zelena said.

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