18 - Broken Heart

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Flashback: Camelot - Three Weeks Ago...

In the woods, Emma and Alana were hugging before they pulled away from each other.

"I'm going to go scout our path," Alana said.

"I'll go replenish our water supply," Emma said.

The twins walked away in opposite directions when suddenly Emma heard an eerie whispering.

"Oh, what the hell is that noise?" Emma said.

"That's the sound of the dagger singing to the sword. And if you can it, that means Excalibur is quite close," The Darkness said.

"No, it's impossible. Alana said it disappeared," Emma said.

"Wake up, dearie! Your sister is lying. She has the sword," The Darkness said.

"Why would she lie to me?" Emma asked.

"So, she can control you. Not that it takes much for her to do that with you," The Darkness said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Emma asked.

"You! Get out of here!" Alana said as she walked up.

"Oh, we were just talking about you. Why don't you asked her yourself?" The Darkness said.

"Ask me what? Emma, what the hell's going on?" Alana asked.

Emma looked at Alana, "Do you know where Excalibur is?" Emma asked her as the series of whispering continued.

"Emma. Rumpel is manipulating you. That's what he does," Alana said.

Emma was breathing heavily, "Are you lying to me? I can hear it calling to the dagger, Alana. Do you have Excalibur?" Emma said.

"I do," Alana said as she made the sword appear in her hand.

"Did you use it on me?" Emma asked.

"What? No, of course not. I would never..." Alana said.

"Then why not tell me the truth? Are you afraid I was gonna ask for it? You never planned on giving it to me, did you?" Emma said.

"I did it to protect you. You told me yourselves you were not strong enough to resist the darkness," Alana said.

"Which is why I begged you not to turn me into a Dark One in the first place! But you went and did it anyway," Emma said.

"Y-You were dying," Alana said as her voice broke as she looked at her tearfully.

"You know the worst part, sis? There's never been a moment where I didn't believe in you, where I didn't trust you. But you clearly don't believe in me, anymore. So, how am I supposed to fight this?" Emma said.

"Emma..." Alana said.

"Don't," Emma said and she waved her hand, making her disappear in a cloud of red smoke.

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