20 - Swan Song

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At Granny's Diner, Alana was round the back, she watched her family in the main part of the diner, having a meal and celebrating their last moments together. She was holding an envelope in her hands, she looked at Neal who was talking and smiling at Henry with Amy, Killian and Calla beside them.

Alana placed the envelope on the Jukebox, "I'm sorry. It's the only way I can make up for what I've done," Alana whispered and she walked off.

Alana walked out of the back of Granny's and walked down the street.

From across the street, in a darkened alley, Emma watched Alana walk away.

Nimue appeared behind her, "You know what you need to do," Nimue said.

Storybrooke: Storybrooke - Six Months Ago...

Later at night, Emma was alone at Granny's, she was drinking at the counter, she sighed as she put the drink down.

Alana walked in with Neal, "I'll go get a table," Neal said and walked away.

Alana walked to Emma and sat beside her, "Do you feel better from this morning?" Alana asked.

"I don't know... I called Regina and told her what was going on, that I'm afraid she'll begin to hate me," Emma said.

"What did she say?" Alana asked.

"To stop thinking about the past," Emma said.

"That's good advice," Alana said.

"You gonna take it as well? I know you're worried Neal will leave you again," Emma said.

"Neal knows that worry, I guess that's why... I've been rather picky with places, incase we find somewhere and being here gets too much and he leaves... Not like we haven't tried that twice... Three times," Alana said.

"Maybe you should take the advice as well," Emma said.

"Maybe... Don't drink yourself under the table, sis," Alana said and walked off.

"No promises," Emma said she drunk her glass of rum.

The doorbell jingled as Regina walked in, Regina saw Emma drinking at the counter and she walked over, "Feeling better?" Regina asked as she sat down.

"What gave it away?" Emma asked as put the glass down and gestured to the waitress for another.

"You planning on drinking the place dry?" Regina asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Emma said.

"Emma..." Regina said.

"Yeah?" Emma said.

"I think it's time we talk," Regina said.

"Oh, god that's never a good start," Emma looked at the waitress, "Leave the bottle, I might need it," Emma said.

Emma looked at Regina, "I have been thinking about this for a while, usually, I tell people to leave me alone and they do as I say because I'm the Evil Queen, but you... You haven't stopped trying to be my friend, even after I told you I couldn't be with you..." Regina sighed, "When you told me what you're worried about, me hating you, it really got me thinking," Regina said.

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