4 - The Price

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Flashback: Camelot - Six Weeks Ago...

Amy, Killian, Regina and Emma were standing in front of Merlin's tree when Percival walked up to Regina and Amy.

"My ladies," Percival said as he knelt down and held out two gifts to Regina and Amy.

"For us?" Regina questioned.

"You are the Saviours after all. His Majesty would be honoured if you two would wear these to the ball tonight," Percival said as he opened the boxes for them, two identical violet gem necklaces.

Killian took one and helped Amy put the necklace on, as Emma did the same for Regina.

"I look forward to a dance this evening," Percival said as he glanced at Amy and walked off.

"He's not the only one looking forward to a dance with a Saviour," Killian said to Amy who chuckled softly.

"He's not the only one looking forward to a dance with a Saviour," Killian said to Amy who chuckled softly

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Mary Margaret looked down at Leo in his crib and she looked at Doc who stood by the crib.

"Now, if he gets fussy, he probably just needs to be changed," Mary Margaret said.

"Are you sure you don't want us to get Granny?" David asked.

"If I go to the ball, I'll just get stuck being Grumpy's wingman," Grumpy said.

Amy walked in with Calla, "Now, promise to be a good girl for Doc," Amy said.

"I promise," Calla said and she rushed over to him, hugging him.

Amy smiled a little and sighed, "What's wrong?" David asked.

"I can't do this," Amy said.

"Do what?" David asked.

"Pretend to be your daughters, I'm the High Enchantress, I have Morgana in my head... How have I not gone crazy?" Amy said.

"You're married to a pirate, I think that ship had sailed," David said.

Amy and Mary Margaret looked at him, "You trying to be funny?" Amy asked.

"I'm trying to calm you down, Phinia," David said.

"I'm not gonna say it worked because it did, but that's besides the point," Amy said.

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