21 - Souls of the Departed

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Amy woke up in her dream and she looked around in a confused manner, she was back in the Enchanted Forest, she looked down to see herself in her old attire.

"What the hell?" Amy said.

"Delphinia," A familiar voice said beside her.

Amy turned to see Graham, dressed as the Huntsman walking up to her, "Gray?" Amy said in shock.

Amy turned to see Graham, dressed as the Huntsman walking up to her, "Gray?" Amy said in shock

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"Been a while, Phinia. It's great to see you," Graham said.

"Why... Why are we here? Am I... Am I dreaming?" Amy asked.

"No. If this were a dream, there's be, like, talking animals or pigs that fly... Maybe a floating dear being able to escape my arrow, something weird like that," He chuckled and walked over to her, he helped her up and smiled, "Think of this as a long-distance call from a past love," Graham said and they hugged.

"It's really you," Amy said.

"Yeah, it's me," Graham said as they pulled away from each other.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault," Amy said looking at him guiltily.

"Shh," He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her softly, "It's not your fault, what happened to me was not your fault

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"Shh," He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her softly, "It's not your fault, what happened to me was not your fault. You were put in a very difficult situation during and after the curse. It was my time to go, you know that as well as I, sweetheart," Amy looked at him tearfully, "I'm sorry about Emma," Graham said.

"It's okay, it's in the past, you were cursed... And... Besides a lot has happened since then," Amy said.

"I know, you and Hook... Took you long enough, your girls beautiful... Ours would've been better," Graham said with a smile.

Amy chuckled as she shook her head and looked around, "Is this the Underworld? I was on my way there to help Alana get Emma back," Amy said.

"Yeah, I know that's where you're headed. That's kind of why I'm here. Don't go, Phinia. Once you get there, it is not easy to get out of, trust me. I know you're trying to save Emma, but please, listen to me. This won't end the way you think it will," Graham said.

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