5 - Siege Perilous

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In the mines, the dwarves were whistling as they hacked away at the mine's walls.

"Our yield's way down, boys. I know Dopey's a tree, but we got to be more productive since he can't," Leroy said.

"He's producing oxygen," Happy said.

Everyone laughed before Leroy, "Hey. Let's stay focused," Leroy said.

"Yes," They all turned to see Alana sat on a rock, "No one wants a nasty surprise," Alana said.

"You're not getting any dust, sister," Leroy said.

"Actually," Alana got off the rock, "I'm shopping for something else today," She walked forward, "Something with... Edge," Alana said as she took Happy's axe and looked at it.

"My axe," Happy said.

Alana looked at him, "Oh, Happy, if there's something I learned as the Dark One," She walked towards him, "If your name is on something," She leaned to his ear, "Hold onto it," She whispered before disappearing a cloud of black smoke.

Flashback: Camelot - Six Weeks Ago...

Alana, Emma, Regina, Amy, Mary Margaret, David and Belle were inside Merlin's tower looking for answers.

"If we're going to free Melin from the tree, we need witchbane," Regina said.

"Yeah, but the labels are all faded," Belle said.

"Forget the decloaking potion. It's not a glamour anyway," Amy said.

"You sure?" Regina said.

"The tree could actually be him transfigured," Amy said.

"What does Morgana say?" Regina asked.

"You want me to talk to myself, like a crazy person?" Regina looked at her, "Of course you do," Amy said and walked to the mirror.

"We could find out if he is transfigured just by getting a sample," Belle said.

"Yeah, and when we snap off a twig and it turns into a finger, who's crying then? Come on, someone. Witchbance," Regina said.

"I'd be laughing," They all turned to Amy who was standing in front of the mirror, but her reflection was a blonde woman, "My names, Morgana... How can I help my dear, daughter?" Morgana said in the mirror.

 How can I help my dear, daughter?" Morgana said in the mirror

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"I'm not your daughter," Amy said.

"You're a descendant...My blood and my power run inside of you. You are just as much as my daughter as Leila," Morgana said.

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