31 - Her Handsome Hero

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Mr Gold was working on something in the pawnshop when Belle walked in alone.

"Belle," Mr Gold said.

"I won't be separated from this child. I need your help," Belle said and walked to him.

"So, you accept who I am," Mr Gold said.

"I have accepted that no one will fight for a child like its father. You've proven that much, I need it again... But no dark magic," Belle said.

"You must have known what you were letting yourself in for," Mr Gold said.

"When we were in Camelot, Merlin said that perhaps one day someone would be able to wield the power of the Dark One Dagger for good. Show me that you can be that man. Show me, and... And we can save our child, and we can turn the darkness into light," Belle said.

"Well, that's the thing with dark and light. Depends on your point of view. In the end, you do what you can to protect those you love," Mr Gold said.

"Alright, well, I'd never resort to darkness because that's not what a hero does," Belle said.

"In the heat of the moment, you do whatever it takes," Mr Gold said.

"You want a future with me? You have to do this my way," Belle said.

Alana, Emma, Neal, Killian and Mary Margaret were standing in front of the four gravestones, Alana Swan, Snow White, Delphinia Jones, Regina Mills was written on the stones

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Alana, Emma, Neal, Killian and Mary Margaret were standing in front of the four gravestones, Alana Swan, Snow White, Delphinia Jones, Regina Mills was written on the stones.

"Hades thinks he can beat us. It's time to prove him wrong. When we burn these names from the graves, there'll be nothing keeping us here," Alana said.

"We can all go back home," Emma said with a smile.

The twins use their magic to try and burn the names off of the stones when the wind suddenly picked up.

Killian looked around, "Wait. Something's wrong," Killian said.

"What is it?" Neal asked.

"And captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing. And trust me, we need to find shelter now. Go! Go!" Killian said.

The five of them ran for shelter as a twister formed a few meters ahead. They took shelter behind a grave and the wind suddenly died down.

"Well, that was quick. Everyone okay?" Neal asked.

"Yeah," Something growled, "But something's out here. Something was in that storm," Mary Margaret said as she drew her bow and arrow and stepped out from behind the grave.

After a few moments, she was tackled by some form of monster, "Mom!" The twins yelled.

Suddenly the twins jolted awake, they found themselves on the roof of the library. Neal was standing watch as they slept, both of them were breathing heavily.

Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUAT || Double Swan #5]Where stories live. Discover now