[1.12] get it together

Start from the beginning

Turning, the girl answers, "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" she questioned, holding out her hand for Chloe to take.

"Um, sure."

She helped the girl up from the chair, before continuing, "I just came to apologize," Emily said, causing both Daniel and Maxie to choke on their drinks, and West to furrow his brows.

"I can't believe Emily is apologizing to Chloe," the boy says, "She never apologizes to anybody. " 

"What I did was really unprofessional and... And mean. I-I'm sorry," she told her, "You're... you're part of A-Troupe and you're an amazing dancer and you're meant to be in A-Troupe. You're also an E Girl," the Dance Captain says, causing Chloe to smile back at her.

"Really?" she beamed.

Emily squeezed her hands, "Yeah."

"I accept Emily's apology because it takes a lot of guts to get up in front of everyone and admit that she's sorry," Chloe smiled.

Scoffing, Emily glared at the camera, "I don't mean that apology. I'm apologizing to keep my role as Dance Captain, which means the world to me." 

"E-Girls for life?" she asked, offering her the handshake symbol.

"E-Girls!" she cheered, reciprocating the gesture and then hugging the girl.

"I mean, I'm pretending, like, I'm caring about her, and she's totally buying it." 

Over in Studio B, Maxie walks into the room to watch what the other three had for the dance so far. Addicted 2 U was playing as Michelle, James and Riley walked through the routine, showing it to the girl so she could see how far they had progressed.

"I'm choreographing a new dance to get rid of Emily," Michelle stated.

James continued, "Well when Michelle brought up the thought of me and Max using hip-hop, I loved it. It was right on for the both of us. We obviously love adding that swag and I love the fact that she's so chill about everything."

Maxie grinned, "It feels super good that I can finally incorporate the dance moves I spent so long perfecting and I absolutely love Michelle's routine, it's just super unique. Oh my gosh. Wait, it's like, that movie. Um. About the song... Pitch perfect, yeah, yeah we're the Beca Mitchells of the dance world," she gave a dopey smile.

"We're all putting in our own inputs so it's turning out great because we all have a say in it," Riley explained, "It's so new and fresh and different, like, even better than I expected it would be."

Most of the dancers are gathered in Studio A when Chris walks in.

"Where is Riley, Maxie, James and Michelle?" he questions them, trying to scan the room for the dancers.

Eldon spoke up from opposite him, "Oh, I thought I saw them in Studio B."

"Studio B? You sure?"


Chris begins to head out of the Studio, but not before giving the dancers a look, "Okay, I'll be back. Keep warming up, guys."

Emily looks irritated as she speaks, "When I hear that my four best dancers aren't in the studio, I'm kind of curious. What are they doing?" 

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