Chapter 23: Drifting Apart

Start from the beginning

"Because you look really tired and I'm quite sure you're not eating enough," I answered.

"No, I mean why are you being nice to me? You broke up with me," he uttered.

"Yeah, but I did this to you. I'm just making amends," I explained.

"Amends? You're kidding right? You can't do anything to make the situation better. The only thing you can do is come back to me and we both know you won't do that," he said, raising his voice.

"Chase, please."

"You can't tell me you don't want me anymore and then act like this. Like you still care for me. You're confusing me," he said. The expression on his face was like salt on my wounds. I wanted to hug him and scare his demons away. If only I could.

"Chase, just eat your food please. Don't read between the lines because you won't find anything. We're over and all I'm trying to do is fix the mess I've made. Please understand, we can't be together anymore," I told him.

"Because you find me boring? Don't think for a second that I bought that crap reason of yours. I know there's something you're not telling me," he said.

"It's the truth. There's nothing more to tell," I replied.

"Sacred?" someone called from behind. For the second time today I froze on my spot. I forgot that Dylan would be here. I hadn't told anyone that we're back together. Not to my friends and certainly not to Chase. I told him not to make our reconciliation public before I revealed it to the people I cared about. He's been patient but I had a suspicion he was just waiting for the right moment to tell it to Chase in person. And that perfect moment was finally here. I served it to him myself. What was I thinking?

I turned around and saw him with his crew. "Dylan. Hi."

"Why are you with him?" he asked. "You haven't told him yet?"

"Told me what?" Chase asked in confusion and I was mentally strangling Dylan for putting me on the spot.

"Nothing," I said, turning to him. "It was just nothing. Just eat your food and I'll see you back at the activity area."

I heard the sound of metal chairs in contact with the floor. Before I knew it, Chase was right in front of me, terror mixed with disappointment evident on his face, "What is Dylan talking about? Answer me. You owe me that."

"I told you it's nothing. Just drop it okay?"

"If she won't tell you, I will," Dylan offered. I shot him a furious stare.

"No you're not saying anything. We are not having this conversation," I uttered.

"Can somebody please just tell me what in the world is going on!" Chase asked in frustration.

I eyed Dylan but he didn't get my message. He was too evil to spare Chase from more hurt. I didn't think he could handle any more stress. The last thing he needed right now was a revelation that could crush him permanently.

"Sacred and I were back to—"

"Dylan, No!" I tried to cut him off.

"We're back together. She's my girlfriend again," he said proudly and I held my chest tightly. I couldn't find the courage to look at Chase.

"What? You're together again?" Chase asked incredulously. "Is this some kind of a sick joke?"

"Am I laughing right now?" Dylan asked Chase, clearly mocking him.

"Dylan that's enough!" I yelled.

Chase turned to me as he gripped my wrist. He looked me straight in the eye. "Is he telling the truth? Did you come back to him?"

"Chase." That was all I could say. I couldn't break him again.

"Sacred! Answer me! Are you back together?" he asked, shouting at me. People were starting to gather around.

Dylan smirked. "Go on Sac, baby. Tell him the truth."

"I... Chase... Dylan and I..."


"Yes! It's the truth, we're back together," I said and silence enveloped the whole room. There's an imaginary stopwatch and everything seemed to stop the moment those words escaped my mouth. Chase stared at me with accusing eyes.

"He's the reason you broke up with me?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"No!" I yelled then thought about it. "I mean, yes but it's not what you think."

"It's exactly what I think!"

"Chase, listen to me! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"But you did!"

Before I could reply, Dylan grabbed me by the waist and held me in place. My eyes widened in surprise with what he did next. He kissed me. Right in front of Chase. I hit him on the chest so he pulled his lips from mine. Then he whispered to my ear. "Do that again and I'll make sure that Chase will know everything before the day ends."

What he said made me stop moving. He smiled to himself and kissed me again. This time I didn't try to do anything in protest. When we pulled apart there were tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I bit the inside of my mouth to prevent it. I made the mistake of glancing at Chase's direction. He gave us a disgusted look and it ripped me apart, destroying every ounce of self-respect I left to myself.

After that horrible kiss, I felt violated.

Chase walked toward the door, leaving us. Dylan grasped my arm before I could move. I wanted to follow Chase to explain. I wanted to take away his pain.

I wanted but I couldn't.

I wanted but I wouldn't.

We were already drifting apart.

I hit Dylan on the chest repeatedly. How could he do this? He had no right to do that to me. He had no right to do that to Chase.

Then I noticed something at the back of the room.

Serene and Julie were staring at me, ghosts of laughter written on their faces. 

Hey loves!

I apologize for the one day delay. I know that this chapter is just like the previous one but trust me, this is an integral part.

We're just a few chapters away from the biggest revelation of the story! I'm so excited!

Comment Away! Votes are highly appreciated!

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