Chapter Fourteen

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                         [This chapter is dedicated to kridhashree]


"But Kevin did say they were in some sort of clearing" Lisa yelled at Khalid.

She wanted us to follow the trail of blood but Khalid kept saying it couldn't be for or from them.

"And what if this is a trap" Khalid retorted.

"A trap for what, dragons?" Lisa spat with sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"They could have done this trying to make a sign for us to follow" I also tried to convince Khalid.

"If this blood is from one of them, the person would be probably dead by now, and I'm very sure it is not for an infected because their bloods are a lot darker than this".

His point did make sense but Lisa wasn't willing to give up easily.

"But it could be for an animal, Khalid please let's just check it out, we don't know where we are going anyways and we have nothing to lose" Lisa pleaded.

Khalid hesitated for a second before finally agreeing for us to follow the trail.


The three of us followed the trial of blood for a few minutes before it suddenly disappeared and was replaced with tire tracks.

Whoever did this must have dragged a body from the clearing to a car and the car drove of, leaving crushed leaves and shrubs underneath it's track.

"I say we follow the tracks, it could lead us to Richard and Kevin and to the road" I suggested and we all did as I said.

We were about to continue our little journey when an infected appeared from the side of a tree trunk and started heading for us.

Khalid kicked it back as it tried to jump on him then he hit it in the head with the bottom of his gun, pinned it to the ground with his foot and hit the head continuously till thick blackish-red blood poured out of the side of it's head and it stopped struggling.

We continued to follow the track for another few minutes till we approached a small pathway for cars.

We were now in another side of the forest so we just continued to follow the newest tire tracks that were made.

Not many cars have been passing by recently so spotting the new one was an easy task.

After following the straight pathway in the forest, we approached a small cabin with solar panels on the roof and a four-sitter pick up truck packed in front.

Blood smears were all over the boot of the pickup truck and the smear stretched to the side of the cabin although we couldn't see what made the smear from where we were. There was also guns and other supplies in the boot of the truck.

We moved closer to the cabin and hid behind a large boulder as a man with beards that looked very dirty and untidy came to the pouch of the cabin.

He removed a cigarette from a pack he pulled out of his pocket then lit it with a lighter. He puffed a thick cloud of smoke as he put the lighter back into his pocket and brought out a glock from his trousers waist band.

A few seconds later, another man came to join him and also did as the gross-beard guy did. The other man had beards also but his own wasn't as thick and dirty and the first guy's own.

I was pretty sure there were more than two men as I heard ruffling and other loud noises coming from the house and before I knew what was happening, three more men came out of the house with one of them holding a little girl with a knife pointed to her neck.

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