Chapter Four

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"What the hell do you mean he's gone" Kevin yelled, as his voice shacking a bit.

"The infecteds got him" I answered back as a tear found it way down my cheek.

"This is all your fault" Kevin yelled pushing Richard in the chest causing him to fall backwards.

Richard quickly jumped back up and landed a punch right on Kevin's jaw.

Seconds later kevin returned one of his hitting Richard below the eye.

I watched as the two of them fought with more tears rolling down my cheeks.

We had no idea of what was going on or whether we would survive and I wasn't even sure if my parents were still alive. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I thought of these devastating things.

"Both of you would you fucking stop fighting this instant!" Lisa yelled, "we are all supposed to be working together and finding a way to get out of but here the two of you are... fighting" she continued authoritatively.

"If you both want to kick your asses just wait till we get to somewhere safe, then you could kill each other, I don't give a fuck but we better get out of here alive" She added

Surprisingly the two boys heeded her warning and stopped fighting but they still stared daggers at each other.

"Better" Lisa muttered as she came to sit next to me.

We were all too busy with the fight stuff and all that we didn't even notice a leg behind the last seat.

"What is that?" I asked pointing at the leg with the anonymous owner.

After seeing this, Richard grabbed the baseball bat and started walking slowly towards it while Kevin just stood still, cleaning blood off his jaw.

"Please don't hit me" a quivering voice begged, I wasn't sure if he said hit or eat but as long as he wasn't one of the infected, we were not planning on doing any of the two.

"It's just the school bus driver" Richard informed us as he lowered his bat which was already raised in anticipation to hit the driver.

"Hi, my name is John--" Mr John was about to introduce himself when he was cut off by Kevin.

"Yeah yeah. Where are the keys to this junk?" he asked.

"Uhmm" Mr John stammered.

"Well" Kevin urged.

"They fell off while I was running to safety" Mr John muttered as he looked down.

"Around where did it fall?" Richard asked stepping in front of Kevin and giving him a kind of look that said 'I'm in charge here'.

"Over there" Mr John said, pointing at the side we had all ran from.

"I see it" I informed as I pointed to where the key layed. It was on the ground about seven feet away from the bus.

"I see it too" Debby and Lisa said in unison

"Where?" Richard asked, still searching for it.

"It's right there on the ground" Lisa was trying to describe the location.

I walked to the window where an infected was banging and violently attacking. The infected was a student, he also attended most of my classes but we had never talked. There were also more infected beside him and all around the bus but I focused more on this one.

His pupils had now become invisible with tiny vein spreading across his eyes. His head was shaking violently and he was hitting it on the bus continuously but didn't even act like he was feeling any pain, like all he knew was something was stopping him from getting to a delicious meal; me.

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