Chapter Seven

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We've been in the storage room for eight hours now and we were all starving. Apparently I was the only one who packed edible items into my bag and it had fallen while we were running to safety.

Lisa just sat in a corner crying her eyes out probably because her elder siblings; mark and erica were dead and she wasn't sure if her parents are even also alive.

Elizabeth also sat on the ground as silent sobs shook her. Khalid was trying to comfort her will Kevin just kept peeping out through the key hole and Richard was just pacing back and forth in the storage room.

I had also sat in a corner and cried and cried and cried but stoped when there was no more tears to cry, Donald is dead, I don't know if my parents are alive, we had lost a lot of people along the way and we're probably the only people left in the world, speaking of the world, the world has been destroyed and a zombie apocalypse is literally happening. How the fuck are we even going to survive.

Zombie apocalypse only happened in movies and such but this is real life, I suck at self defense and I'm not even fit at all, I can't run just 250 feet without passing out.

"We need to get out of here, we are losing day light" Kevin said breaking the comfortable silence.

"How?, does infecteds are still inside the Wal-Mart wondering around and we've only got 25 bullets" Richard stated, pointing at the bullets that laid on the ground.

Kevin sighed and Richard continued his pacing back and forth in the empty storage room.

Why the hell is this storage room even empty, aren't they suppose to contain stuffs.

I was snapped out of my trance as Lisa spoke up,

"Well we can't stay here forever" she said, her voice coming out hoarse probably due to the crying.

"I agree with her, we can't stay here forever, we would have to go through the door" Khalid suggested.

"There is more than a hundred infecteds out there and we've only got 25 bullets!, how the hell do you expect us to make it out of here alive" Kevin yelled in frustration

"Well if you to stay here and rot, then be my guest but I'm getting out of here with or without you" Khalid snapped back as he stood up.

He walked to the bullets and picked them up, he inserted ten into one magazine, another ten into another magazine and the remaining five into another magazine.

He inserted the magazines into three M4A1 rifles and toseed one to beth and another to Richard then carried the one containing five bullets for himself.

"Why don't I get any gun" Kevin asked his face burning with anger.

"Because you suck at shooting and Richard is a better shooter than you" Khalid said as he walked past Kevin and towards the door. "We are getting out of here now" he added with a look of determination on his face.

He collected the key from Richard and inserted it into the key hole as I, Lisa and Beth stood up.

"As soon as I open the door we all Sprint for the exit and remember, we all have have each other's back" he said as he gave us all one last glance and unlocked the door.

As he did this, he swung the door open and shot two of the nearest infecteds as beth shot one and Richard shot another two.

We all ran towards the exit as the other infecteds had now noticed us and were making their way towards us.

Khalid bent down picking Lisa's fire axe in which she had also dropped earlier stabbing a close infected in the head and beth took out another one which was coming close to him. They both gave each other a glance and nodded before continuing towards the door.

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