Chapter Ten

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                        [This chapter is dedicated to taicardi]


"Woah, woah, woah, just calm down and drop the bomb" Khalid tried to calm a really angry Ashley.

"Drop the damn bomb or I'll blow your fucking brains out" Kevin who had now picked a gun yelled.

He shot two infecteds that were making their way towards us.

"Don't come near me!" Ashley yelled as she pressed a button on the bomb but nothing happened.

I was relieved but my relief was short-lived as Ashley spoke.

"If you shoot me and I let this button go, we all go ka-boom" the psychiatric patient threatened. "But if you want me to stop the bomb from exploding, we could all just go to the safe zone together, trust me I'll be a meaningful addition to your little group here" she continued.

How the hell could a crazy girl outsmart us all, she must be one smart crazy girl I thought as three infecteds started approaching us and Kevin gunned them all down.

"Or we could all walk away from you and leave you to die alone" Richard hissed as he also shot one infected person with a gun he removed from his back.

"If anyone of you should take a step, I'll leave this button and we all go ka-boom and die so the only choice you have now is to just agree with me and we shall all go to the safe zone together. Having one more person in your group can be a good thing" Ashley tried to convince us.

"Why the hell would we want a crazy person in our group" Lisa spoke as she neared Ashley and Richard gunned down another infected.

"Nuh, uh uh. Don't even take one more step if not ...ka-boom" Ashley threatened.

"I don't think you would want to kill yourself like you killed your parent ...or maybe I am wrong, maybe you are a natural born murderer" I said, pissing Ashley off.

"Yes I am a natural born killed and I can kill every single one of you right here right now so you better watch you mouth" Ashley hissed and Kevin shot another infected.

"If we allow you to come with us, you will stop the bomb from going off and we will go our separate ways once we reach the safe zone?" Khalid asked.

"Yes. It's as simple as that" Ashley giggled weirdly.

"You can come with us but on two conditions" Khalid spoke and we were shocked at his offer.

"And what is that" Ashley asked as Richard shot another infected.

"We won't tell you the specific place but we will take you there and you won't have any weapon with you" Khalid stated his conditions.

"But what if I get attacked by an infected, I should be allowed to carry at least one weapon" Ashley negotiated.

"We are the ones making the conditions here" Khalid replied in a strict tone and Kevin shot two infecteds.

"And I am the one with the bomb" Ashley stated raising the bomb in her hand into the air.

"Alright you get to keep a weapon and just one" Khalid agreed.

" I think I'll keep my trusty bomb with me so that if you change plans or anything like that we all go ka-boom" Ashley said as she did some things to the bomb in her hand. "If we are going to work together I think we wouldn't want to be pointing guns at each other" she added, facing Richard who was pointing his gun at her.

"Put the bomb away first" Kevin demanded and with that Ashley put the bomb in her pocket and Richard started to lower his gun slowly as Kevin shot another three infecteds.

Richard was about to put his gun in the belt that Khalid gave us but stoped midway as he quickly shot Ashley in the left knee.

She screamed and winced as she got down on her right knee and blood started to flow out if the fresh wound.

Khalid immediately walked to Ashley and took the bomb away from her.

"I can't believe you actually thought we were going to go to the safe zone together" Khalid spat as he walked away from her. It looked like Khalid and Richard had planned the whole thing while they were coming or something.

"What do you expect from a dumb psychiatric patient" Richard hissed. Lisa and I were very shocked at what had just happened and Kevin just looked normal.

"What should we do with her" Kevin asked not taking his eyes off Ashley who was still riding in pain.

"Let's just leave her here, she'll either bleed out or get eaten" Richard said with a look of disgust on his face.

"I got the keys to the pickup truck" Kevin said bringing out the keys from  his pocket.

"And I've got the guns" Khalid grunted as he carried the heavy bag.

"Are you guys done with the packing" Richard asked Lisa and I and we both nodded yes.

"We'll go get the bags out while you bring the pickup truck" I stated and we all started walking away from a still bleeding Ashley but stoped as she spoke.

"Please, please let me follow you guys, I'm not a bad pers--" she began but was cut off as Kevin shot her second knee too.

We all stared at Kevin giving him an awkward look as Ashley kept screaming in pain.

"What? I'm wasn't going to listen to one of those fake boring pleading speeches and later get betrayed by that bitch" Kevin muttered as he continued towards the pickup truck and the rest of us went to pack the luggage.


It took a few minutes for us to get all the luggage out but when we did, we put them all inside the pickup truck and we were know waiting for Khalid and Richard who had gone to get gasoline for both vehicles.

We waited for a few minutes before they arrived with four kegs of gasoline and we poured two into the Lexus and the other two into the pickup truck.

Khalid handed us all two glock pistols each and we all inserted it into our belt then he gave us one M4A1 each which we slung around our neck.

The gun was heavy but Khalid insisted we had it on us at all times for safety measures. We all looked like soldiers who were going for war just remaining the black lines across our faces and the military uniform and boom, we were soldiers.

After packing the loads and we all had our weapons, Khalid and Richard entered the pickup truck with Khalid in the driver's seat and I, Lisa and Kevin entered the Lexus with Kevin in the driver's seat.

Khalid and Kevin both started the vehicles and started driving away slowly. I looked back at Ashley who was now laying on the ground either unconscious or dead then faced front back as I swallowed hard.

I looked at the small watch I had worn to keep track of time and it read 8:42 AM.

I slumped in my seat as Kevin drove up hill and when he was at the top of the hill, I looked back down on our beloved city of Entila, it now looked like a battlefield and it was completely destroyed.

This was supposed to be a good view but it wasn't, it wasn't a good one at all. The city went out of my eyesight as Kevin descended the hill and our journey started.

The journey began, the journey to safety, the journey to peace of mind. The four days journey that would take us away from this crazy place and to a safe zone. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy journey but I just hoped we all survived.


Hey lovelies, so this is the end of chapter ten and the journey has began. Let's keep reading to find out what will happen next. Please remember to vote, follow and comment your thoughts on this chapter. All sorts of feedbacks are highly appreciated.


Necrotics: End Of Humanityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें