Chapter Twelve

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                     [This chapter is dedicated to Ovaleyes]


Richard and Khalid walked to us and when they were in our front, Khalid spoke up.

"What do we do?" He asked

"Maybe we find another way" Kevin suggested

"There is no other way. This is the only way out of Entila" Richard countered.

"Well we have to think of something fast because I don't think it's a good idea standing here like this" Lisa spoke up, looking around frantically.

"How about we go on foot?" I suggested

"On what!" Lisa yelled but quickly brought her voice back down. "We won't survive out there on foot"

"We can, besides, that's the only option we have. We haven't even seen any infected for a while now" I tried to assure her.

"Yeah that's the problem. They are probably all gathered up in some place and if they just attack us suddenly, we'll have no car to outrun them" she argued.

"There's nothing else we can do. That's the only option we have and it's just till we reach the front of the jam packed cars" Kevin supported my idea.

"And like how long with that take, maybe like ...forever and how do you even expect us to carry all this load" Lisa stated pointing at the bags in the pickup's trunk.

"We'll have to reduce some stuffs. I'm sure you girls overpacked anyways" Khalid stated.

"So you are with them on this?" Lisa huffed in frustration and Khalid just nodded a yes.

"We better start packing. We wouldn't want to be out here without daylight" Richard said as he removed a suitcase from the back of the pickup truck.

"I'll man the door" Kevin stated.

"Which door?" I asked as I brushed past him and he just smiled.

Richard kept bringing down bags and suitcases while Khalid, I and Lisa removed anything that didn't seem very useful but there wasn't much to remove except for some comic books and other magazine's Lisa had packed.

"Now what will keep me busy" Lisa groaned as Khalid threw away her last book.

After re-packing and all we were still left with about three suitcases, one duffle bag and five backpacks.

"So who's carrying what?" Kevin asked as he approached us.

"There are still too many bags" Lisa replied with her hands on her waist as she stared at the bags on the ground.

"These two bags contains foodstuffs so we must carry them and the duffle bag contains all the guns, bullets and magazines so it's also coming." Khalid stated, not taking his eyes off the bags. "Those two suitcases contains clothes, sponges and toothbrushes so they are also coming and the last suitcase contains supplies like touch, batteries and other stuffs so it has to come too" He added

"What about the remaining three backpacks" Richard asked.

"The black one contains first aid kits which is also important and the blue one has the radio in it" Khalid answered.

"Which radio?" Lisa asked.

"The radio that told us about the safe zone. I brought it along incase there was another broadcast of change of plans or another safe zone that was closer" Khalid replied.

"And what's in the last bag" Kevin asked

"More ammunition. So which bag do we leave?" Khalid asked.

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