Chapter Thirteen

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"Fuck. Lisa get up" I yelled at lisa and she jumped up almost instantly. She looked startled at my sudden yell.

I ran around the from frantically packing our bags and Lisa peeked outside. After she did this, I heard her mutter a curse word as she jumped off the bed and came to join me in packing our bags.

I switched off the safety of my gun, pulled the slide and the click of the bullet entering it's place sounded out loud, and with this we headed into the hallway.

I opened the door of the room the boys were sleeping but they were not there and that sent a shiver down my spine.

I looked around to try to see the direction they went but froze as the infecteds ran into the hallway.

The flickering lights just added to my fear as Lisa and I dashed forward.

We kept running for a few seconds in a straight line but were cut off as three infecteds popped out of nowhere.

We turned a hard right and continued to sprint to nowhere exactly and after another few seconds of running, I stopped right in my tracks and turned then wrapped my finger around the trigger and started firing.

I closed my eyes shut not even bothering to look at who or what I was firing at and I did this until my gun stopped which meant I was out of bullets.

I opened my eyes back and heaved a sigh of relief as I saw that all the infecteds were lying on the ground in a very large and still growing puddle of blood so I reloaded my gun with the last magazine I had and continued to run.

But my relief was short-lived as my stomach tied itself into multiple knots and my jaw dropped.

All the infecteds I had just shot were getting back up and their bones were making weird sounds as if they were snapping out and into their positions. Before I knew what was happening, I heard a gurgling sound and all the infecteds started running towards us once again.

"Let's go" Lisa yelled as she grabbed my frozen body and yanked me out of that hallway and into another.

We kept running for another few seconds but stoped again as a body appeared out of nowhere. I was about to shoot when I heard the anonymous person talk.

"Don't shoot" an African accent yelled and Khalid came into view.

"Where's Richard and Kevin" the words busted out of my mouth as I ran towards Khalid.

"I thought they were with you" Khalid's answer wasn't one I wanted to hear at all. "They are no-- shit, we have to keep moving" he added as two infecteds showed up behind me but Khalid gunned both of them down almost instantly.

After he shot them, we continued down the hallway for a few seconds before reaching two doors.

One was an elevator door and the other door had a sign above it that said 'stairs' but the elevator door had somethings written on it.

"Don't open, dead inside, keep away, danger zone" Lisa read the things written on the door hastily. "I think we better pass the stairs" she added.

She opened the door and in a split second, an infected jumped out but before it was able to do any damage Khalid shot it off her.

He ran into the dark stairway and lisa followed him with me hot on her heels. I closed the door after entering and a few seconds later I could hear the banging of the infecteds.

The stairway was in a spiral form and I and Lisa followed Khalid who was already heading down. He shot an infected and the sound of the gunshot echoed, obviously affecting us all as we all grabbed our ears in unison and left it a few seconds later.

After the ringing in our ears had stopped, Khalid spoke up. "I think it would be better if we don't use this right now" he said and we all nodded as we continued down the stairs.

We walked for another few seconds before reaching another door with a sign that read 'lobby' above it and luckily there wasn't any other infected in the stairway but as soon as we opened the door and entered the lobby, we all came face to face with about ten infected and they all started heading for us.

"Get back!" Khalid ordered as shot an infected. He wanted to shoot another one but all we heard was a click which meant he was out of bullets.

Khalid frantically searched his body for another magazine as the infecteds were getting closer to us but he didn't find anyone but luckily Lisa had one so she threw it to him and he quickly reloaded then shot an infected that was only a few inches away from him.

He shot the remaining within another few seconds and after they were all dead we all heaved a sigh of relief then headed for the door that led out of the hotel.

The infecteds outside the hotel were far more than the ones inside the hotel and as soon as they spotted us, they all started chasing us.

The three of us ran into the thick forest and kept running deeper into it while trying to lose the infecteds but they were keeping up.

Khalid stopped every now and then to shoot any infected that was very close to us but this time no bullet was fired. He was out of bullets and unfortunately there wasn't any other magazine with bullets in it so we just focused on running away from the infecteds.

We ran for another few minutes but when my body couldn't take it anymore, I called for a break.

While breathing heavily and resting on my knees I looked around to ensure their wasn't any infected close by and there wasn't any so I sat on the ground to rest a bit more.

Lisa joined me on the ground but Khalid still stood as he kept looking around.

I was about to speak but was cut off by static then a voice.

"Hey, is there anybody there?" Richard's voice rang out of the walkie talkie that was placed on Khalid's shoulder.

"Yeah, we are here. Are you guys okay?" Khalid questioned.

"Yeah, we are okay but we seem to be lost"  Richard stated.

"Could you describe what you see and we'll try to come and find you?" Khalid replied which made me to give him a weird look.

We ourselves had no idea of where we were not to now talk of finding some people and getting them out of here.

"I'm seeing nothing but trees but we are in some sort of clearing. I think" Kevin was cut off as raster and static sounds took over his voice.

"We gotta go find them and once we do, we'll know what to do next" Khalid ordered and with that, he walked deeper into the forest with Lisa and I in tow.


It's been like forever and till now we haven't seen any sign of Richard and kevin.

We came across a few infecteds and we had to take them out with the bottom of our guns. It hasn't been easy but it was working.

I looked at the sky and the full moon illuminated a dim light unto the forest.

Sounds of crickets and other insects filled the night silence as we continued to search for Kevin and Richard and a few seconds later we approached a large clearing with a puddle of blood that started from the center and went into another side of the forest.

I scanned the area and a small gasp escaped my mouth as I found Kevin's walkie talkie lying right beside the puddle of blood.

I sunk to the ground and started thinking of our present situation, we were not sure if Kevin and Richard were alive not to talk of okay, we had no bullet or ammo and just a little food, we are lost in the woods and there is probably a horde of infecteds right on our tail. I just really hope we make it out alive.


Hey lovelies, so this is the end of chapter thirteen. Please don't forget to vote, follow and comment your thoughts on this chapter. All sorts of feedbacks are appreciated.


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