Chapter Five

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I woke up to the ear piercing screams of Mr John, at first I thought an infected had gotten him and was biting but not until I turned around and saw the actual reason.

A glass that probably broke from the windshield had pierced his leg, I also vomited as I saw this. The glass was about six inches wide and twelve inches long and it came out of the other side of his leg.

I turned away from his sight and saw something worse, a glass had pierced Debby's head and blood was gushing out. Her lifeless body layed on the ground near a puddle of blood.

"Debby?" I called as I shook her body but she didn't answer, debby was dead

I turned around and saw that the infected were still running towards us and I started to panic. My body refused to move, debby was dead, Mr John was injured and screaming into my ear and Richard, Lisa and Kevin were still unconscious.

"Richard!" I yelled trying to wake him up and fortunately, he did.

"Oh shit, we have to get out of here" he sprung into action, standing up. He picked the baseball bat and broke a window then climb out. As he was climbing out, Kevin and Lisa also woke up.

Small pieces of shattered glass were in Kevin's face but he was still able to stand. I struggled to get myself up and I successfully did but I felt a pang of pain throughout my whole body.

Richard was already out of the bus and was standing on top of it, he helped Lisa out and I and Kevin helped Mr John out. When they were both out, I stretched my hand and  Richard pulled me up then Kevin came out by himself.

After Kevin came out, Richard poked his head back into the bus supposedly looking for Debby and I heard a small sob escape his mouth as he saw her.

The infected people were now getting close to us, they were about thirty feet away from the bus and we had no time to waste.

"Uuhm guys, we have to get out of here" I yelled, jumping off the bus.

Lisa also jumped then we all helped Mr John down, after that, Richard and Kevin jumped off the bus and we started running towards the closest car, on getting to the green crv, I peeked inside to check for the key but it wasn't there.

We kept moving around cars and kept checking inside but unfortunately we found no keys in our first five cars, which kind of person still remembers to take their key when running for their lives.

The infecteds were now gaining on us and Mr John was slowing our pace as Richard, Lisa and Kevin had to help him walk.

I was starting to panic as I kept on checking cars and finding no keys inside. I checked the inside of a blue honda jeep but there was still no key inside.

"Everyone get in" Richard ordered as Lisa and Kevin helped Mr John into the car.

"Their is no key inside" I stated.

"I'll hotwire it" Richard replied.

"So you can hotwire a car and you had me walking around here and searching for a car with a key, and where did you even learn how to do that"

"I never said I know how to hotwire a car, I just want to try"

"I just want to try?!" I yelled in disbelief, "and what if it doesn't work" I added as an afterthought.

"Look Ella, we don't have the time for this so just get into the car" Richard ordered.

I grunted as I did as he said and entered the back seat where Lisa and Mr john were seated. Kevin sat at the front beside the driver's seat and we all waited for Richard to enter the car.

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