Chapter Three

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I was very shocked and disturbed as I saw the cause of the loud scream; a woman dirctly across the school on the other side of the street was being attacked.

A man who was covered in blood and had a chump of him neck missing was trying to literally eat this woman.

The disturbing thing about this was the man's look; his eyes were crazy diseased as his pupils were almost not visible, his fingernail had turned to long sharp claws and his neck and leg were bent in an odd angle.

He looked exactly like my siblings from my nightmare and the thought of this sent a shiver down my spine. This man shouldn't even be walking or alive but he still starggered towards the woman.

Thick red liquid poured from his mouth as he open his mouth to release a loud unconfontable snarl.

The woman he was attacking was just screaming and moving backwards frantically but all hopes on her were lost as she hit the wall, having nowhere else to run.

The man caught up with her and took a large bite out of her reapetedly.

It was few seconds later that the soldiers arrived shooting the man twice in his head and he slumped to the ground. We were all expecting the soldiers to help the attacked woman but we were shocked as she was also shot and blood splattered on the wall behind her.

Everyone gasps as the saw the brutal act of the soldier as he entered the truck back and drove towards south. Their were diffrent murmurs filling the hall once again but they were cut off by a loud scream, this time a lot closer.

A student standing at the door was being attacked by someone else who had the same feautures of the man from ealier. My heart jumped as I felt a cold hand grab by shoulder.

I shrieked at first but I was no longer bothered when I turned and came face to face with Richard. He was holding a wodden baseball bat covered in blood.

''What the hell are you still doing here, we have to get out of here. Where is Donald'' he asked.

''Over here'' Donald yelled walking towards us with his two freind Jack and Kevin.

''Good, now lets go'' Richard ordered as he grabbed my hand, ''we can't pass the front anymore, there are too much of does things there, we gotta pass the back'' he yelled over the noise of scream from different places.

We all followed including a friend of Richard; Debby. We left the crowded hall and were about to branch to another hallway leading to the other school exit door but we stoped right in our tracks as we came in contact with about six infected people.

''Shit'' Richard cursed, ''go back'' he yelled as we all turned around and headed towards the crowded hallway once again but we stoped again as about another twelve infected people cut us off.

''In here'' Richard yelled as he stood beside an opened door which led to the school's library directing all of us in as he quickly closed the door shut after entering.

''What the hell is--- AHHHHH!'' Jack screamed as an infected person grabbed his neck and took a huge bite out of it.

''O shit'' Richard cursed as he ran towards the student who was biting Jack.

Once he reached them, he swung his bat really hard, hitting the students right in the eyes but it was as if nothing had happened as the student sprung towards Richard knocking him down.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion as the hungry infected people were pounding on the door, Jack fell to the ground and started shaking violently, like he was going through a seizure and as Richard and the infected student were battling with each other on the ground.

Necrotics: End Of HumanityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя