Different Schools

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Jesse's Dalton Outfit

Jesse's Dalton Outfit

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Jamey Outfit

At McKinley In The Choir Room

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At McKinley In The Choir Room

Everyone was doing their own thing but it was not the same now that Jesse was no longer in the school and club. Rachel walks into the room. "Hey, my people." Rachel said making everyone look at her. "What are you doing here?" Jamey asks her while he and Sebastian walk over to her. "I am back in the club." Rachel said to him. "I don't think so." Sebastian said to her as Will walks into the room. "She back in." Will said making everyone look at him. "Why?" Kurt asks him. "My gay dads talk to Sue about me not being in the club and they were going make Sue fire your father if I was not in the club again." Rachel said to them. "Sit in the back and ever talk." Sebastian said to her and Rachel walks over to the others who were giving her a look. The brothers sit down with their lovers. "I've selected the perfect moving ballad for Finn and I to sing to launch our performance at Sectionals." Rachel said making everyone look at her. "Two things. First, our competition at Sectionals are your classic stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. Now if we're gonna beat them, we need to do what they can't. Dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Brittany and Mike Chang's sweet moves in our performance." Will said to them making everyone cheer for them. "Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?" Rachel asks him. "You're not getting a solo Rachel." Will said to her. "So, who is singing the solo?" Jamey asks him. "I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition would take the leads." Will said looking at Sebastian and Sam. "Wait, what? Another gay duet." Rachel said to him making everyone look at her. "I feel like punching you every time you open your mouth." Kurt said to her. "Okay, listen, I have talked the talk about everyone in here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly I haven't walked the walk. I mean, we have got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it." Will said to them. "This is our plan for Sectionals, and that is that. Mike, Brittany, c'mon up, let's start choreographing." Will said to the two.

 At Dalton Academy

Jesse walks down the hallways of Dalton happy that she doesn't have to worry about getting push into the lockers or anything. Jesse walks to the choir room to join the Warblers. 

In The Choir Room

"And now let's welcome the newest addition to the Warblers, Jesse Schuester." Wes said to the boys as Blaine opens the door to see Jesse. Jesse walks into the room as the boys clap for her. Blaine sits down on the sofa's arm. "And our oldest tradition for our newest Warbler, an actual Warbler." Wes said to them. "Jess, meet Pavarotti." Blaine said making Jesse look at the table to see a birdcage with a Warbler inside. "This bird is a member of an unbroken line of canaries who have been at Dalton since 1891." Wes said to her while Blaine walks over to her with the cage. "It's your job to take of him so he can live to carry on the Warbler legacy." Wes said to her as Blaine hands her the birdcage. "Protect him, that bird is your voice." Wes said to her while Jesse looks at the bird. Wes bangs his gavel as Jesse walks over to Blaine and puts the cage on the table and sits down on the sofa. "Hey" Blaine said to her and he kisses Jesse's forehead. "Let the council come to order. Today we discuss the set list for Sectionals" Wes said to everyone. "Council?" Jesse said to them. "We don't have a director. Every year we elect three upperclassmen to lead the group. But don't worry, we all get a say." Blaine said to her. "Oh..." Jesse said to them making Blaine smile at her. "Now, I propose we do our entire set at sectionals in eight-part harmony." Wes said to everyone while Jesse takes out the bird from its cage. Some of the guys look over at her as the bird jumps onto her shoulder making Jesse laugh a little. Blaine smiles at her as the bird sleeps on her shoulder.

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