A Glee Wedding

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At McKinley In The Hallways

Finn, Quinn, Sam, Sebastian, Jesse, and Jamey were talking to each other. "What type of movies do you like?" Finn asks Sam. "Anything is fine with me." Sam said to him. "Jess." Finn said looking at Jesse. "Anything that can give me an idea on how to pranks people." Jesse said to them. "Like who?" Quinn asks her. "My brothers, my dad, and now the glee club. If I can think of something." Jesse said to her as Kurt, Burt, and Carole walks over to them. "Oh." Finn said as the three walks over to the group. Kurt walks over to Jamey and he puts his arms around Jamey.  "What's going on? Is this one of those  interventions, 'cause...?" Finn said to them. "If it is, it's for the both of us. They bombarded me and forced me to bring them to you." Kurt said to him. "Okay, come on, tell 'em." Burt said to Carole. "No, no, no, you. Come on." Carole said to him. "No. We said in the car." Burt said to her making the teens look at each other. "Come on, you, you." Carole said to him. "Come on, you." Burt said to her. "How long will this go on for?" Quinn asks Jesse. "Hours maybe." Jesse said to her. "All right, so you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday? Well, today I drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, I might add... And I..." Burt said and Carole cuts him off. "He proposed! He proposed!" Carole yelled making the group shock. "You stole the punch line! Come on!" Burt yelled happily. "Wow. This just happened?" Finn asks looking at Kurt. "Oh, Dad!" Kurt said while looking at the ring. "Oh! We wanted this group to know first." Carole said to them. "Yeah, after the kids in that homeroom. Come on, family hug, huh? Okay. Come on!" Burt said nodding everyone for a hug. "I'm so excited and-and nervous!" Carole said to them as they pull away. "Oh, don't be, don't be." Kurt said to her. "Well, no. Okay." Carole said to him. "Oh, my God, this is just what I needed. I will take care of it from here. I have a trunk full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I'm thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, Finn. Fall wedding colors. Autumnal." Kurt said to him. "Nothing too extravagant, Kurt, okay? We're gonna use whatever savings we have. We are spending it on the honeymoon. That's right. We're going to Waikiki. We're gonna go to the hotel where they put up the guest stars on Lost." Burt said to them. "Finn, you-you haven't said anything." Carole said to him making everyone look at him. "Uh, I'm...I guess I'm just kind of stunned." Finn said to them making Quinn rub his back. "Hey, don't worry. I'm already looking for a bigger house. One where everybody's gonna get their own rooms. All right?" Burt said to him. "Come on, honey. Be happy for me." Carole said to him. "I am, Mom." Finn said to her. "All right, now listen, Kurt, Mr. Wedding Planner, I want you to take care of one thing. I don't care about the food or the booze at this party, but I want one heck of a band. I've been eating right. I've been exercising. And I want to boogie with Carole at this wedding. And I will boogie." Burt said to him making the teens laugh but Finn. "All right. It's already taken care of, Dad. I'm going to hire the New Directions as your band. Right? It won't cost you a cent. They're cheap, they're available. Long story short...you're having a Glee wedding." Kurt said to him with a smile.

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