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Jamey Outfit

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Jamey Outfit

In The Choir Room

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In The Choir Room

The entire Glee Club looking at the clock. "Well, hate to break it to you, but it doesn't look like anyone's gonna be joining us, so I think we should just call it a day." Rachel said to them. "We said 3:00 to 5:00. It's only 4:58." Will said to them as the majority of the club gets up to leave. "Just wait. My buddy Sam's gonna try out." Sebastian said to them. "Oh, face it, Sebastian. He is not coming because Finn is no longer the quarterback." Kurt said to him as he and Jamey leave the room. Sebastian leaves to find Sam. "What about that Sunshine girl?" Quinn asks Jesse. "I don't know where she is." Jesse said to her and she leaves to find Sunshine. 

In Football Locker Room

Sebastian enters the room to see Sam. "Hey, man, uh, why didn't you show at the audition?" Sebastian asks him. "I wanted to, I did, but after what Coach Beiste did to you...Do you know how everybody talks about you Glee guys?" Sam asks him. "Oh, yeah, you get used to all that." Sebastian said to him. "Sebastian, I'm, I'm the new guy." Sam said while standing up. "That means I'm already on the outside looking in. I don't want to start off three touchdowns behind." Sam said to him. "Why do you care so much about that?" Sebastian asks him. "I know you are gay." Sam said to him making Sebastian sigh. "You think I don't see the way you look at me?" Sam asks him. "I...I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Sebastian said to him. "What will happen when I am in that club. You will have your eyes on me." Sam said to him and he picks up his bag. "Stay away from me." Sam said to him and he walks out of the room leaving Sebastian alone.

In The Choir Room

Mike and Tina call the siblings because of what Rachel did to Sunshine. "She could have died." Jesse said to her. "I didn't send her to an active crack house. Besides, how did you guys find out anyways?" Rachel asks Mike and Tina. "The Asian community is very tight." Mike said to her. "You are an ambitious little freak who will do anything to have some power." Sebastian said making Mike, Tina, and his siblings look at him. "I just... I...I love you guys so much. I was wrong before. I don't want any new members. I didn't want anyone coming in and-and messing up our group dynamic. Tina, Mike, I mean, what if Sunshine can dance? Then your contributions to Glee will be even more insignificant than they already are now. I did this for you guys." Rachel said to them. "Stop, talking." Sebastian said to her making Rachel look at him. "If she is not in the auditorium later to sing. You will have 2 weeks off." Sebastian said to her and he walks out of the room. His siblings follow him. "Sebastian, what's wrong?" Jesse asks him. "Nothing." Sebastian said to them and he walks away.

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