You're Out

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At McKinely In The Football Room

Puck, Sam, Sebastian walks into the room. "So you know why Helen Keller couldn't drive, right?" Puck asks the two as they enter the room. "Why?" Sam asks him. "'Cause she was a woman." Puck said to them. "Wow." Sebastian said to Puck and he and Sam walk to their lockers that were next to each other. "So..." Sebastian said while opening his locker. "What do you think of this school?" Sebastian asks Sam who looks at him. "It's fine, I guess." Sam said to him with a smile. "So, do you sing all the time with the club?" Sam asks him. "Not all the time." Sebastian said to him. "So, sometimes." Sam said to him. "Yeah." Sebastian said to him and the two share at each other. "You're off the team, cut, out!" Beiste yelled making all the boys look at them. "You come in here, pushing a kid in a wheelchair, making me look like some kind of monster because I have to tell him he can't play?" Beiste said to Finn who was with Artie. "No. No, that's not what was going on here. Artie?" Finn said looking at Artie. "I really want to play. I want my girlfriend back, and I want abs." Artie said to her making some of the boys laugh. "Yeah, he's like a human battering ram, like, like, Braveheart." Finn said to her and Beiste grabs Finn's shirt. "You know what? I don't like being screwed with! Do you understand me?" Beiste yelled at him. "Dude, you're totally overreacting." Finn said to her. "Dude? Get the hell out of my locker room!" Beiste yelled at Finn. "Go!" Beiste yelled and Finn walks over to Artie and wheels him out. "Think this is some joke? Gah!" Beiste yelled and she walks away while the boys watch her.

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