Out Of The Club

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At McKinley In The Choir Room

"We don't know." Mercedes said to Jamey. "And you Rachel?" Sebastian asks her making everyone look at her. "I don't know where your sister is?" Rachel said to him making the brothers stand up and walk to the door each and lockers everyone inside. "We are not leaving until you tell us where she is." Sebastian said to Rachel making everyone look at Rachel.

In The Locker Room

Jesse was laying on the floor trying to stay awake. Jesse takes out her phone and opens it on contacts. Jesse looks at her phone and calls Blaine. "Hello, Jess." Blaine said and Jesse tries to talk. "Blaine, help me." Jesse said to him.

In The Choir Room

"Where is she?" Quinn asks Rachel. "I don't know." Rachel said to them. "You are lying." Jamey said to her. "Rachel, where is my daughter?" Will asks her as Jamey's phone rings and Kurt answers it. "Call another time, he is busy." Kurt said to the person. "Kurt, I know where Jess is." Blaine said to him making Kurt look up. "Where is she?" Tina asks Rachel while Kurt walks over to Jamey and gives his phone. "It's Blaine." Kurt said to him. "Blaine, please tell me Jess is with you." Jamey said to him and Blaine tells him where Jesse is. Jamey looks at Rachel and walks over to her. "Where is the key?" Jamey asks her. "What key?" Rachel asks him making Jamey look at Puck. "Puck want to give us a hand?" Jamey asks him. "Happy to." Puck said walking over to them. "Okay, here." Rachel said handing Sebastian the key. 

In The Hallways

The club runs to the room where Jesse was to see Blaine. "Jess!" Blaine yelled for her but no answer. "Blaine, we have the key." Sebastian said to him and Sebastian opens the door. The door opens and Will walks into the room to see Jesse sitting there. "Jess." Will said while walking over to her to see she was crying. "Let's get you out of here." Will said and he helps Jesse stand up. The two walks out of the room and Jesse's brothers giving her a hug. "It's okay now." Jamey said to her while they hug her. Kurt walks over to her and the brothers let her go and Kurt hugs her and kisses her forehead. "I happy you are okay." Kurt said to her and Blaine walks over to them. Jesse and Kurt pull away and Jesse walks into Blaine's arms while everyone looks at Rachel.

In The Choir Room

Blaine was with Jesse in the nurse's room while everyone was in the choir room. "Why the hell did you do that?" Quinn asks Rachel. "Well, she not a good leader. First, she cries and sings everything." Rachel said to them. "First of all, the crying is her in a panic attack." Kurt said to her. "And she gives everyone a try at singing." Finn said to her. "But you because one no likes you." Puck said to her. "Rachel, do you know what is going to happen now?" Jamey asks her making Rachel look at him. "You are out of glee club." Sebastian said to her. "You can't do that only your dad can." Rachel said to them. "I agree with them." Will said making Rachel look at him. "I can't have someone hurt my daughter again." Will said to her making Rachel stand up. "You guys need me." Rachel said to them. "For what?" Quinn asks her making Rachel look at her. "For you to make our lives a living hell." Quinn said to her. "Get out Rachel." Jamey said while walking over to her with Sebastian behind him. "No." Rachel said to him as Mike and Puck walk behind her and picks her up. "HEY, PUT ME DOWN!!" Rachel yelled at them as the boys walk to the door. The two put Rachel down outside of the choir room. "See ya." Puck said to her and Mike closes the door in Rachel's face.

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