Sweet Transvestite

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At McKinley In Auditorium

Will and Emma are preparing to watch the dress rehearsal. "Okay, guys. Places!" Will said to the teens and the curtain opens to reveal the Glee club on stage in their costumes. Jesse and Brittany were dressed as Columbia. Kurt was dressed as Riff Raff while Finn and Quinn were Brad and Janet. Jamey and Sebastian were sitting with Mike, Rachel, Will, and Emma. Finn steps forward. "Um, Mr. Schue? I know I'm supposed to be in my underwear for this scene and I'm totally down with that but, um, I thought I'd save it for the opening, if that okay?" Finn said to him and Will gives him the okay. Sam walks into the stage in his gold shorts making Sebastian look at him. "Um, also, Ms. Pillsbury? Is there a way I can wear some gold board shorts or something? These are really short and I'm afraid I'm going to show off some nuttage." Sam said looking at Sebastian who gives him a look. "Well..." Emma said to him making Jesse walk over to Sam. "We'll make a note." Jesse said to him and Sam walks off the stage. "And action!" Will yelled and the band starts playing.

"Oh, Brad!"  Quinn yelled while taking Finn's arm.  "Let's get out of here. I'm cold and I'm wet and I'm just plain scared!" Quinn said to him. "Well, I'm here and there's nothing to worry about." Finn said as the elevator goes down. Quinn screams and feints as Mercedes comes down the elevator as Frankenfurter.

How d' you do
I see you've met my faithful handyman

Mercedes sings while walking over to Kurt as Sam walks over to Sebastian and sits down next to him.

He's just a little brought down
Cause when you knocked
He thought you were the candy-man

Mercedes nods for Jesse and Santana to walk over to her the two walk over to her. 

Don't get strung out by the way I look

Finn helps Quinn up and they watch Mercedes.

Don't judge a book by its cover
I'm not much of a girl by the light of day

The three walk over to Finn and Quinn.

But by night I'm one hell of a lover

Mercedes sings while Jesse and Santana touch Finn and they walk over to Mercedes.

I'm just a Sweet Transvestite
From Sensational, Transylvania
Why don't you stay for the night? (Santana: Night!)

Santana sings while moving closer to Mercedes.

Or maybe a bite? (Jesse: Bite!)

Jesse sings while moving to Mercedes.

I could show you my favourite obsession
I've been making a man
With blond hair and a tan
And he's good for relieving my tension

Mercedes (New Directions)
I'm just a Sweet Transvestite
(Sweet Transvestite)
From Sensational
(with New Directions: Transylvania)
Hey, hey
I'm just a Sweet Transvestite
(Sweet, sweet Transvestite)
From Sensational
(with New Directions: Transylvania)

Kurt climbs up the ladder while the girls follow Mercedes to the elevator.

So, come up to the lab

Mercedes sings and the girls flip their hair.

And see what's on the slab
I see you shiver with antici-(Emma and Will: pation)
But maybe the rain
Isn't really to blame
So I'll remove the cause
But not the symptom

Mercedes sings while she goes up the elevator while Kurt walks over to Jesse and Jesse leads on him. Will and Emma clap and cheer. Carl drives through the wall on his motorcycle making the teens jump out of the way. "Now, that's an entrance!" Emma said to them. "Mr. Director, did I take that wall out right?" Carl asks Will. "You're two acts early, Carl! You're supposed to bust through the dinner party scene!" Will said to him. "Well, I was sort of feeling my entrance in this scene." Carl said to him. "Such good, good interesting impulses." Emma said and she claps for him. "Bravo, Carl! Bravo." Will said sarcastically. 

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