Felix looked at the worried ravenette and was half thinking about asking her what was wrong but he didn't.  He wasn't her friend and in no position to ask her of her problems . He was merely a classmate.

Felix opened his book and continued reading.  After a short while Miss Bustier arrived and started taking the roll calls.

After miss Bustier was done,  Lila sensing an opportunity spoke , "Miss Bustier I think that I should sit back with Felix as he is a very shy person and doesn't talk much , I hope that if I sit with him he'll be more open to everyone. I want to help out my classmate" Felix looked up from the book and at the liar . He was surpringly calm . Felix had been in situations like this,  people thinking they can do whatever they want. He wasn't ever going to sit with the liar not today not tomorrow and not even in a million years .

Felix opened his mouth to give his opinion on the matter but was interrupted when his spineless cousin spoke up , " Yes , Miss Bustier I think Felix should open up more talk to all of our classmates ."

"That's a very good idea Lila . You always look out for your classmates . You're the perfect role model." Miss Bustier exclaimed .

Marinette rolled her eyes . Perfect role model huh.

Marinette then looked at Felix who was bubbling with anger.  Oh no .

The one thing which the blonde hated was to be interrupted.

Felix tried to speak again but was interrupted again, this time by Alya , "Girl you've got a heart of gold , helping Felix whose been so rude to all of us . "Alya cooed .

Everyone seemed to agree with the reporter.  And gave praises to the liar for being kind.

Felix had had enough but before he could speak another voice spoke up , "Excuse me Miss Bustier"

Felix wanted to groan . Why won't anyone let him talk. He was trying to control his anger.  He definitely didn't want to cause an Akuma and he didn't want the superheroes to despise him anymore than they already do.

The voice spoke up again . Felix looked at his seatmate who was now standing .

"Since the situation involves Felix why don't we listen to his opinion first if he wants to change his seat or not." The ravenette said , the same determination in her eyes when she's Ladybug . She wasn't letting Lila get away with this . She didn't want to change her seat again. It's not like she liked sitting beside him but was rather trying to make sure that no one experienced what she had .

Marinette helped everyone and never refused but with Lila who was clearly lying she wasn't having any of it.

Marinette wouldn't mind if Felix himself wanted to change the seats but that wasn't the case.

Lila's eyes widened , of course the ravenette would say something like that . Alya looking at the dejected look on Lila's face said , "Lila's just trying to help , she's sweet enough to give him a second chance . I think she should sit beside him ." Venom laced in her voice when she talked about the blonde boy .

"And I think everyone's opinion matters ." Marinette retorted.

"But Miss Bustier already agreed , so what's the problem. If anything , I don't think Lila should sit beside Felix remember what he did last time." Alya said emphasizing on the last part . She was bit hurt about arguing with former best friend .
"She's right." Most of the classmates agreed with the reporter.

"No , I think everyone's opinions matter. I never got a chance to defend myself when the seats were changed the last time because I wasn't there but Felix is right here so he'll decide where he wants to sit." Marinette said . She may not like Felix a lot but this was something she was doing for justice . She never got a say in changing the seats ,  everyone sat according to their wish and her best friend preferred sitting with her boyfriend rather than the ravenette. 

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