Ch. 47 - Greyrith, Wisconsin

Start from the beginning

Twenty minutes later Hunter came across a small frozen lake.  He was certain this was the location of the portal as the small circle Cherry had made surrounded this whole lake that appeared only as a small blue dot on the map.

Looking all around the lake, Hunter finally came across a small tunnel in the side of the cliff overlooking the lake.  It was hidden nicely and one would only find it if they were looking for it.

From the side of his bag, Hunter pulled out a flashlight and headed inside.

It was a decently sized cave that only got bigger the farther you went in.  Hunter couldn't stand up straight when he entered but the deeper he got the more he could.

He came to a sudden stop as his eyes noticed something up ahead.

A slight glimmer appeared in the middle of the cave.  A rippling indigo wave shimmered in the cave ahead of him.  It's effects were calm but as he got closer it expanded and glowed brighter and brighter until it was a foot ahead of him and was bigger than his body.

The portal to the Spirit World.

There was no turning back now as Hunter extended his hand into the rippling and pushed through.  It was like swimming in jello as his eyes were filled with bright colors.

The farther he pushed, the more shapes he was able to start making out.  The tips of his fingers pushed forward as he felt them poke through and the cold nipped at them.

He stumbled out of the portal and gasped at what he saw.

"Holy shit," He whispered to himself, shocked.

It was beautiful.

His body was encapsulated in a golden aura that slowly dimmed into nothingness as he took in his surroundings.

Trees larger than ones on earth with leaves of various blues, purples, indigos and violets.  Vines hung from the branches of the same colors with some having bulbs of light hanging off of them.

The landscape was filled with various plants of the same blues and purples.  Cliffs surrounded the whole area and waterfalls fell into rivers that passed by him.

Little wisps of various colors floated along in the sky.  And the sky, completely different than the one back on earth.

It was night and the stars were out.  The sky was dark blue with streaks of magenta throughout it.

Two moons sat in the sky, one burnt orange and the other dark gray.

Hunter looked down at his feet and made out a stone path that led deep into the forest.

Emrys wasn't lying when he said the spirit world was beautiful.

Sadly he wasn't here to sight see and continued along the path, he knew though in the future when he was with Zekaj.  The two would return.

The farther along he went the more buildings sprung up.  They appeared to be tips of towers or cathedrals that stuck out of the ground.  He was close to the main building of the city as it could be seen up ahead.

He kept his eye out for anything of interest.  Emrys had mentioned spirit beasts roamed the area and Hunter was hoping he wouldn't run into any.

He had seen spirits phasing around hiding from him or many simply watching from a distance.

The cold wasn't very bothersome, it wasn't worse than a typical winter day.

It wasn't hard to miss the castle that stuck out of the ground that had many parts of it collapsed.  The place had seen better days as a lot of it was overtaken by vines and parts sat in river beds from the various cliffs and waterfalls that surrounded the area.

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