I left and got into a bikini , it was jet black and fit quite nicely . I walked down to where i saw the pool yesterday and went in . The two boys were swimming and Ace was sitting by the pool.

I walked over to the chairs where Ace was and sat down one one. Reclining back and closing my eyes .

" You ready for tonight?"

I was surprised that Ace even bothered making conversation with me .
I opened my eyes to see him staring at my chest , no shame at all .

" I'm always ready ".

He got up and walked over to the sauna going inside . So far apart from the rudeness Ace wasn't horrible i guess .

After a couple minutes i got bored and decided to go upstairs . I was pulled back by an arm that i immediately recognised since it was suffocating me all night .

" Training time . I finally get to see what the hype is about ".

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get changed . I came back down in black shorts and a sports bra . I walked out with Mason and Greg because Ace was already in the car .

I got into the front seat because the boys got in the back . It was a relatively short drive to the gym and when we got there the parking lot was empty .

" Oh it's quiet today ".

Ace laughed as he got out . I stepped out of the car confused until Mason leaned into my ear .

" He owns it ".
That made more sense.

We got inside and Mason and Greg went straight to the ring to spar but Ace stayed with me by the weights .

" Let's see what you got Bianchi".

First he had me on the treadmill then lifting then leg exercises until we moved on to abs .

I had been on abs for like twenty minutes but i was dying because it was so hot . I was doing sit ups but i could barely keep going .

I flopped on the ground absolutely dead until i felt a hand on my shoes .

" Ten more ,cmon princess work off breakfast at least ."

Something about how he spoke to me made my blood boil . I mustered up the strength to do ten more and then his hand let go .

I spotted Ace for his work out which i didn't mind . After he was done we went over to the boys who were done sparring .

" So who came out on top ."

" Mason . Ace your turn to fight him ".

Ace got in the ring and i stood on his corner copying Greg who was in Masons . He put his mouth guard in and turned around getting ready .

I grabbed his shoulders and started rubbing them with my hands and i saw a smirk grow on his lips . I bent down towards his ear real close .

" Win this , and you might still beat that record for fucking the new girl ".

I stood back up straight and i saw his back tense . He looked back and i gave him a wink .

They started and immediately Ace sent a blow to Masons face . They continued back and forth until after punch after punch to the stomach Ace got Mason to the ground .

He walked over and i squirted his bottle into his mouth . I placed my hand on his chest and used my other to grip him through his shorts . I leaned in again .

" Thanks for the money ".

" What money ?"

Just then Greg walked over and reluctantly handed me $50 .

" You little -"

" Bitch ? Tell me something i don't know darling ".

" Actually i was gonna say whore ".

He walked away pleased with himself as usual .

I was getting ready to leave for my first job .I had picked out my dress which was short and black . It had sleeves and was off the shoulder with a tie at the bottom.

" Hurry the fuck up ".

I heard Ace call as he walked down the stairs . I took one last look in the mirror before i walked slowly down the stairs as all eyes were on me . Just how i liked it .

" Get the car ".

Ace handed Mason the keys and Greg tagged along with him . Leaving just us in the main hall .

" Look , don't think you aren't replaceable. Just last month i've had three other girls trying to fill your place . So you go in there get him interested and then take him outside . We will be waiting , and try not to fuck it up ".

Harsh much .I just rolled my eyes and began to walk away . I walked outside to the car and got in the front with Mason .

He was telling me how he liked my dress until his door swung open and Ace insisted on driving . He was so weird about some things .

We got to Ace's club and it was huge .The doors had guards letting people in. We went inside and it was just as big as i imagined . There was a bar to the right and a massive dance floor .

You could see the window that looked out onto the people from the VIP room .

After i was directed towards the man i fixed my dress and confidently walked over to him sitting down directly beside him .

I just acted completely wasted and desperate. It's every mans type .

After a few minutes of talking he offered to take it back to his place to which i agreed . We were near the back exit when all of a sudden he grabbed me shoving my me against the wall .

He shoved something in my mouth i think it was powder but i couldn't tell because the minute it hit my tongue everything went black .


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