chapter thirty-eight

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"I'm not even allowed in here

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"I'm not even allowed in here."

Mark and Sooyoung shrugged, walking in front of Renjun as they got closer to the bar. "They only check one ID if we all look the same age. I know this is technically illegal but work today gave me a headache and Mark is experiencing heartbreak-"

"No, I'm not-"

"-so, you can leave if you'd like but I really need a drink right now," Sooyoung grimaced, rubbing her right shoulder to relieve some pain.

Renjun groaned, jogging up a bit further to make it seem like they were a group of three. He was silent as Sooyoung passed her ID to the bouncer, making no eye contact as he followed them inside.

"I don't see what the hype around bars is. I mean, you could just get alcohol from the grocery store and be on your way," Mark rambled, the small bit of intake already doing damage on him.

Renjun sighed, finding himself to be responsible for the two for the night. He would stay away from the toxic beverage, only looking out for his two friends.

"It's kinda loud in here, don't you think?" Sooyoung asked, her words becoming slurred as she enjoyed her bottle of beer.

Mark nodded in agreement, looking around at everyone on the dance floor. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his head along with a smile on his face.

"You guys should go dance," Mark encouraged, laughing at the way Renjun's eyes widened.

Sooyoung smiled, perking up in her chair at the thought. Her hand stretched towards Renjun, pulling him off of the stool, "come on."

Renjun tried to stop her, creating tight friction between his feet and the ground as he stopped Sooyoung from making him join the herd of people. "No, no, I don't really want to dance."

Sooyoung's eyes saddened as she released his wrist, immediately making Renjun feel guilty about his decision. "Fine, I'll dance with Mark!"

Renjun stepped between the two, his mind unsure of whether he would regret dancing with Sooyoung or regret not dancing with her.

Mark giggled, watching Sooyoung drag the taller boy to the dance floor. He watched from afar, wishing Yiren were there to accompany him. But he could only smile sadly, drinking away the bittersweet taste in his mouth.

Sooyoung and Renjun danced together for a bit before returning to the bar, once again taking their seats next to Mark.

Sooyoung took another swig off her drink, progressively becoming more drunk while Mark was nearly falling out of his chair from tiredness.

Renjun looked away from the two momentarily, looking down at his phone to send a message to the groupchat asking if anyone could come pick Mark up to take him home, knowing he wouldn't be able to get both of them outside and in the car safely.

When he looked back up, he nearly dropped his phone, jumping out of his chair to stand beside Sooyoung.

"What's wrong, why are you crying," he asked in a worried tone, softly lifting her head and wiping away a few of the tears on her face.

"I got hurt," Sooyoung sniffled, wiping away a few tears. Renjun tilted his head, not sure he was understanding.

"When? Where did you get hurt?"

He felt his heart drop when Sooyoung placed his palm over her heart, "you hurt me," she complained, holding back more tears.

Renjun frowned, unsure of how, "what do you mean, Sooyoung?"

More tears began to fall as Sooyoung leaned into Renjun's chest, hitting it lightly. Renjun didn't push her away, only hugging her as she cried on him.

"I've known you for a month and I already like you so much," Sooyoung cried quietly, finally letting her arm fall to her side.

Before Renjun could even say anything, he caught sight of Nayeon and Jiyoung walking inside, everyone parting as the two girls walked.

He didn't even have time the think about how much authority he and his friends really had, his mind too full of the words Sooyoung just said to him.

"People are recording, we need to leave," Nayeon rushed, helping Jiyoung get Mark.

we are like a magnet
we hug and pull aside
you make me crazy and out of my senses
yes you know that you make me out of my mind
you make me drink and dance without alcohol

━ heroin, sunmi

this chapter was so hard to write 😭

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this chapter was so hard to write 😭

anyways, sooyoung- 💔💔

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