chapter seventeen

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Sooyoung didn't have time to react when Renjun pulled her back into the car

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Sooyoung didn't have time to react when Renjun pulled her back into the car. She got closer to the boy as he tried climbing out the left side.

"What are gonna—" her eyes widened when she saw Renjun climbing to the front of the car, later jumping on top of the robber's car.

She watched as the younger boy opened the driver's side door, his right fist spitting out fire while his left hand clung to the top.

Renjun took the chance to swing inside, jerking the car to the left and making it come to a halt while actively fighting the fire bending robber back.

"You're an idiot," Sooyoung shook her head, heading to the passenger side and pulling out the robber. She reached down, pulling out her handcuffs and putting them on the suspect.

Renjun wiped his forehead and looked back at the police cars arriving after them.

"Good job, kids." Chief Lee smiled, passing the robber to one of his cops. "You two have made a great impression. Come in early tomorrow for some more information."

Renjun and Sooyoung nodded, bowing to their superior as they made their way back to their police car.

Renjun winced as his right hand touched the steering wheel, alerting Sooyoung. "Give me your hand," she said, pulling out a water bottle.

Renjun stared at her for a second, holding his hand close. Sooyoung sighed at his stubborn attitude, "there's a reason I'm here. Now give me your hand."

Renjun hesitated before giving up, stretching his arm towards the girl and letting her begin to heal his hand.

Renjun hesitated before giving up, stretching his arm towards the girl and letting her begin to heal his hand

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"Okay but—"

"Don't but me. She helped you take down that robber now get your butt back to her and thank her for healing your hand after you went crazy and jumped off the hood of a car."

Renjun sighed, "Jiyoung—"

The girl on the other side of the phone sighed, "Renjun, I'm not listening to anything you're gonna say until you thank that girl for helping you. You're lucky I'm not letting you in trouble after pulling that stunt. Do you know how many lives you could've put in danger?"

"Where are the other guys? I'm sure they'd back me up on this one."

"No can do," Mark sighed. "Jiyoung is right, you or someone else could've gotten hurt. We weren't even supposed to be in the office today but now we have to stick up for you so you don't get into trouble."

"Yeah, I don't appreciate being calling into the office on the one day I have remaining to sleep in," Donghyuck complained.

Renjun groaned, his back slightly bending backward. "If I thank her will you guys please stop bullying me?"

"Bullying? Uh- fine, whatever. Just go thank Sooyoung for putting up with you," Jaemin said, not waiting for a response before ending the call.

Renjun sighed, putting his phone back into his pocket and walking back over to the lone girl sitting inside the car.


He gulped, his nerves suddenly rising when they made eye contact for the first time. "I just wanted to thank you for... you know..."

Sooyoung smiled, "healing you?"

Renjun cleared his throat, suddenly feeling slightly hot. "Yeah, that."


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