I told you so, dattebayo

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Sakura and Naruto was walking together in Konoha, they didn't have a mission that day and was trying to find something to do.

It had been two days since Naruto told Sasuke those words, and it has been two days since he last cried.

Sakura comforted Naruto, although Naruto kept her in the dark about seeing Sasuke two days ago.

He felt bad, she was his friend, but Naruto didn't want to drag Sakura into his mess when he knew she'll get in trouble by her sensei-the fifth Hokage.

"Naruto-kun? Sakura-chan?" A voice said from behind them.

They turned around to see Ino standing there.

"Oh hey Ino-chan." Naruto said.

Sakura opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again and turned away from her.

"Ignoring me, Sakura?" Ino asked. "Fine, you don't have to speak to me. I'll be getting with Sasuke once he returns anyway."

Sakura sighed. "I'm not going after Sasuke anymore, someone else belongs to him."

"What? Who? Do I know them?" Ino asked.

Sakura eyed Naruto, who shrugged at her. "Uh...I don't know. They barely visit the village."

"Is that the best lie you can come up with?" Naruto thought.

"Really?" Ino groaned. "Just when I thought I would win Sasuke's heart, someone else got to him first. Damnit."

Naruto looked at Ino. "Can I ask you something, Ino?"

"Sure." Ino replied.

"If you were to love someone else, for example, uh, Sakura, would you?"

Ino looked confused. "What made you asked that weird question?"

"No reason..."

Ino looked at Sakura. "She's my rival and old friend, so I don't really know if I would even look at her that way."

"Say you did look at her that way, would you love her?"

Ino shrugged. "If she was less annoying, and actually had a personality. Maybe. I'm not saying yes or no, but maybe."

"Thanks Ino, I was just wondering."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Ino!" Choji called out to Ino from behind her, he waved a half empty bag of chips in his hand. "Asuma-sensei called for us!"

Ino waved back to Choji and nodded. She turned back to Naruto and Sakura. "Sorry, I have to get going. See you later."

Ino runs off to join Choji and Shikimaru, leaving the two members of Team 7 alone.

Sakura lightly hit Naruto on the bicep and pouted. A light pink blush on her cheeks. "Why did you ask her that?"

"I wanted to hear her answer."

Sakura looked down embarrassed. "I never said I liked her that way, I am still getting used to being over Sasuke first."

"But she said maybe and that's a good sign."

"She called me annoying and said I had no personality."

"That's just Ino being herself, ignore her side remarks." Naruto leaned down to Sakura and smiled. "Would you try to fall for her now?"

"I don't know...I never looked at my own gender like that."

"Well, take your time, Sakura-chan. She's not dating anyone any time soon. Unless Sai decided to go after her."

Sakura looked at Naruto. "Sai is too inexperienced with human emotions to know how relationships work. Him and her would turn out to be a nightmare."

"You never know, he is getting better at expressing himself."

"Still...he's better off being on his own."

Naruto straightened up and stretched his arms above his head. "Hm, true, but in any case, I told you so, dattebayo."

"Let's just go before I hit you harder."

Naruto flinched and pouted. "You're so mean, Sakura-chan."

"Idiot, come on."

"Coming Sakura-chan."

In The Leaves | A 'Naruto' fan story | SasuNaruWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt