A picture in my mind-(Naruto's POV)

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I sat at my table eating instant ramen for breakfast. I was half-asleep trying to stay awake-I was a genin and needed to train to be a ninja. 

I finished my breakfast, got dressed, and stood in front of the mirror to check myself. 

I smiled at my final result, but then I pictured that scene again in my head. My smiled dropped and I blushed. 

"I-It was Shikamaru's fault!" I exclaimed as I ran to go put on my shoes. 

"...he wasn't even that good of a kisser anyway..." I mumbled and froze when I realized what I said. "What the hell?" 

A loud knock on my door snapped me out of my weird thoughts. I jumped onto my feet and opened the door to see no one other than Sasuke. 

"I didn't need to see you so early." I mumbled. 

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I didn't come here on my own will, you know? I came here because Kakashi-sensei sent me. Now come on before I leave you behind." Sasuke said before running away from me. 

I closed my door shut, locked it, and ran after Sasuke. "Hey! Wait!" 


"What took you so long Naruto?" Sakura was leaning against the fence with her hands on her hips. 

I scratched the back of my head nervously. "I...overslept?" 

Sakura hit me on the head and scuffs. "Next time set an alarm." 

"It's not like Kakashi is on time either." I mumbled and rubbed the spot Sakura hit. 

Sasuke leaned against the other fence with his hands shoved into his pockets. "I don't have time to listen to this idiot complain while waiting on him." 

I stood in front of Sasuke with a scowl expression. "Who are you calling idiot?" 

Sasuke didn't bother looking up at me. "Who else?" 

"I am not an idiot!"

"Then you're a loser." 

"Why are you so mean to me?" 

"Why are you so annoying?" 

"I am not annoying!" 

"You're being annoying now. Move." 

"As future Hokage, I demand an apology!" 

"As if you could be one, you're too much of a loser to actually be Hokage." 

"I'm going to make you eat those words!" 

Sasuke looked up at me with a neutral expression. "You won't." 

I yanked on the collar of his shirt and glared into his eyes. "I'll prove you wrong." 

Sasuke made a 'tch' sound and grabbed my wrists. "Let go."

"Not until you apologize!"

Sasuke tightened his grip on me. "I said let go Naruto!" 


"This is why you're such a loser!" 

"You're the loser..." I looked down and let go of Sasuke's shirt. "Forget it." 

I walk away from Sasuke and stood away from both Sasuke and Sakura. My mind pictured the same eyes Sasuke made at me-those people that hate me for something I didn't have control over. 

Why am I the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki? 

Why am I so frustrated when I look at Sasuke or speak to him? 

What does everyone mean by I won't be a good Hokage? 

Don't they believe in me? 

Or do they fear me?

Does...Sasuke fear me too?

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