We're sorry

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Seth's POV~

As I stood beside Cain watching Noah yell at Diana a wave of sorrow and guilt washed over me. Noah was being a bit over the top and wasn't letting her speak.

Max was by the doorway looking awkward and like he wanted to say something but wasn't brave enough to.

"Hey maybe you should lay off a bit." I whispered to Noah who just shook his head.

"No,go to your room now!" He yelled at Diana.

Now I know he's just being overprotective and he's just looking out for Diana but you could see she was holding back tears.

Diana stormed up the stairs and her bedroom door slammed. Everyone in the room was either looking at Noah or the stairs where she just stormed up.

"I think that was a bit harsh" Blake said in a small voice.

"Ya,you didn't really let her speak." Tyson added.

Cain scoffed "look she needs to know that she has to follow the rules!"

"Ya but she's only 14 and didn't get to explain what really happened!" I scoffed back.

"Cains right, Diana needs to know that she was out of place, she was being rude and disrespectful and disobeyed my rules!" Noah silenced everyone.

Before he continued Max stormed half way up the stairs.

"Hey Max! Where are you going!" His sister and Tyson said in sync.

"I thought after everything that has happened to Diana and all the shit she went through,that her actual brothers would care about her!" Max snapped while looking back.

"We do care about her!" Noah yelled.

"No you don't! If you did you would get to know her and the only person who made an effort was Luka because she told me. I mean Cain you haven't even tried to be nice!"

"We do know her and your being completely out of line here!"

"Really! Because if you cared about her and you actually got to know Diana you would all know she's gay and that she has no interest in guys. But my bad because your the ones who really know her and your always right!"

"I'm going to go up and actually comfort her and you can do whatever the hell you want!" Max yelled and stormed up the stairs into Diana's room.

"Oh shit,I was not expecting that!" I mumbled. While Noah whipped his head around and glared at me.

"I bet she feels like shit" Blake added.

"that's probably what she meant when she said her 4th family didn't except her for who she was." Tyson said.

"Ya it was she didn't tell you guys because she thought you wouldn't except it."

Luka said while walking into the room.

"How the hell do you know?" Cain asked.

"She told me that night she lashed out."

Noah huffed and ran his hand through his hair "fuck!" He shouted.

"Dude,I think maybe you should go up and apologise to her" Tyson said in almost a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

Noah punched the wall and tried to calm down.

"Your right" he mumbled at walked up the stairs.

"Hey Sarah, did you ever know about Max and Diana being friends?" I turned to Blakes girlfriend and asked.

"Umm ya them two have been friends for maybe two to three years, when Diana ran away from her foster home she stayed at our house till she got an apartment. We told her she was welcome to stay but she insisted to live by herself."

"Ohh that's probably why she got so mad about the whole 'no boys' rule"

"Ya probably every friend she made that was a girl ended up bullying her for being in foster care." Sarah answered.

"Well shit. Every time I think I know her there's another huge thing about her." Tyson mumbled.

"Ya I feel kinda bad that she didn't trust us enough to tell us." I say while looking at my hands.

"Look I'm going to say something and you have to listen and trust me." Sarah said and we all looked at her.

"As you know Diana does some underground fighting well she also does racing. She started maybe four years ago and she does it for the money yes but mainly to help her calm down. I suggest you tell her about the mafia and let her be apart of that world."

"I'm not sure she can handle it I mean she lost against Tyson" Blake added.

"Ummm actually she didn't, Diana won that fight but she said I did so ye wouldn't laugh at me" Tyson sighed.

"Oh my god bro,you lost against your little sister" Cain joked.

"Was she any good at fighting?" I ask.

"Ya she's actually pretty amazing every time I hit her she barely even felt I don't think."

"Do you guys wanna know a little fact?" Sarah smirked.

"You sister Diana goes by the name 'miss royal' when she fights for fun. But when she fights to win she goes by the one and only 'void silver'."

"As in number one underground fighter in the world void silver" Blake asked in disbelief.

"Yep that's your sister."

"Holy shit" I say shaking my head.

"Wait Noah was trying to contact void silvers trainer to see if she'd join our team and this whole time she was our little sister." Cain said like he was still processing everything.

"Sarah's right I think it's time we tell her." Tyson adds.

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