My secret

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Noah's POV~

I felt like such an ass when Diana lashed out like that. I really regretted saying those words and now I regret it even more.

When she finished I tried to say I was sorry but she just yelled at us to leave her room which we all did apart from Luka.

Luka's POV~

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes as Diana was yelling about her past. I really wanted to strangle Jax for hurting her and that bitch Frank to.

She yelled at everyone to leave which they did, apart from me I knew she needed someone right now.

The all left and I closed the door behind them I turned to Diana and she said "why are you still here"

I walked over to her without saying anything and wrapped her into a bear hug. She hugged me back and cried into my shoulder for a while.

Only now did I see how broken this girl was. All she needed was a family and I'm sure Noah's words didn't help her.

"T-thank you" she sniffled.

"I'll always be here for you"

She stepped back and lied on the bed I laid beside her looking at the ceiling. After a while I really wanted to ask her something.

"Hey do you mind if I ask you something about what you said, it's okay if you don't want me to"

"No it's okay" she sighed.

"When you said your fourth foster family didn't except you for who you were,what did you mean?"

She chuckled and sighed "I swing left"

What did that mean. I must of looked really confused because Diana started laughing.

"Mate,I'm gay"

Oh shit. That was not what I was expecting.

"Diana! That's awesome!" I hugged her again and she laughed,I was so happy I got her to laugh again.

"Thanks for understanding"

"Dude obviously I understand and that's so cool, when did you figure it out?"

"A few months after Jax cheated on me actually. I had met this girl at an underground fight, we really hit it off and we went on a few dates to and it made me realise how different it was to date a girl and I kinda liked it more. Eventually I started to find women more attractive then guys and now I have no interest in dating a guy."

I smiled at her "that's a really sweet story, what happened to the girl?"

She smiled and a tear ran down her cheek,it looked like she was thinking of her which was so cute. "She umm-she was forced to go to boarding school, her name was Delilah we used to call each other D&D,everyone we knew also called us that but we just kinda stopped talking, because she had no way to talk to me,I still love her though and not a day goes by that I don't miss her."

"What did she look like?"

"Delilah was the prettiest girl I had ever seen, she had ocean blue eyes, blonde hair, tanned, had some face freckles and there's a tattoo I got with her that matches to hers. I have one on my ankle that says 'to infinity' with a tiny little planet beside it and hers says 'and beyond' with a tiny rocket." I pulled down my sock and showed him.

"Awww I'm gonna cry" I wiped away a tear that was actually forming in my eye.

"Hey can you maybe not tell anyone I'm a lesbian,I'm not sure if I'm ready for anyone else to know yet."

"Ya of course,your secrets safe with me."

She laughed "thanks bro"

We both fell asleep out of nowhere.

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