Chapter 10 = Will You Be My Girlfriend

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I was about to ask Aqua to be my girlfriend but then I heard someone yell " WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT OUR SPOT ALEX I AM SUPPOSE TO NE WERE AQUA IS NOT!!! YOUR SUPPOSE TO ASK ME TO TAKE YOU BACK!!!" I turn around and see Mia and think how did she get in my yard you need a key. I was so shocked that she was in my yard I was speechless. Then Aqua said " How did you get in here? Did Alex invite you here?" Then she asked me " Did you invite her here?" Before I could say no Mia said yah Alex invited me. Then Aqua looked at me disappointed and left I yelled her name but she did not come back. Mia said " It's time she left no one likes her anyway." I said to Mia " NO ONE LIKES HER WELL I LOVE THAT GIRL EVER SINCE I MET HER!!!!" I stormed off and went to find Aqua.

Mia still stayed in my backyard, but all I cared was to find Aqua. I looked all over my house she was not there. I thought for a long time were Aqua could be and then it hit me . AQUA IS A MERMAID!!! I screamed to myself. I went to the dock and saw Aqua. Then I went in a sprint. I sat next to Aqua but Aqua didn't look at me. I told Aqua " I didn't invite Mia she just came at the wrong time. I promise you I didn't invite her." The she stared into my eyes it looked like she was crying. Aqua said " ok, but it has been a long night can we just go to sleep. Also, I think Mia is making me really mad I think I might just stay home from school tomorrow." I thought about one thing what will happen if Aqua is really mad. I asked her what I thought and she said " Well, every mermaid has powers I am a really powerful mermaid. I can, when I am mad set her on fire, turn her into jello, freeze her, and if she hurts anyone I care about, I am just putting this out because the last time I was a human I did this to someone, so when someone hurts someone I care about I can but them in a big but small jar hat sizes then and slowly but water it it so it is up to the point where there is no air."( I got this idea from like movies and I watched divergent and that gave me the idea.) I told her ok and we walked back home.

We walked back home and we went to Aqua's room. I told her " Tomorrow I will tell you what I was going to tell you in the backyard." Then it hit me is Mia still in my backyard. I looked out Aqua's window. Mia was not there so I calmed down and went to my room to change into my pjs. When I opened the door I saw Mia on my bed. I screamed really loud. Then Aqua came behind me to ask me what's wrong and then she saw Mia. It looked like she was going to use her powers on Mia. So I hugged her to calm her down. I screamed at Mia to LEAVE ME HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!! She left me house and I told Aqua " Don't get mad at Mia she is just always like that if you keep on getting mad at here you will definitely use your powers against her." She said ok and then left to get changed into her pjs. I changed into my pjs and went to Aqua's room to say goodnight. I said goodnight and tucked her in then went to my room to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep thinking Mia was going to do something to Aqua and Aqua going to do something to Mia which is perfectly fine, but Mia going to get Aqua is not fine. As I thought my eyes got really heavy untill I had to close them and I went into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up and looked at the time it was 8:47. I went to check up on Aqua and saw her watching tv. I went in and said " Did you have a good sleep? And What time did you wake up?" She said " Kinda and I woke up at 8:23. " I told her ok and sat will her on the bed and then I said " Get dress I something nice I want to ask you something at the dock this time and not my backyard. And meet me in the living room to go at 1:00 so Mia won't be at the dock because she will be at school. Then We went down stairs to eat breakfast. We had eggs and bacon. Then we went upstairs to get dress.

I wore a black dress shirt and dark blue jeans and black sneakers. Then I went down stairs to wait for Aqua she took 20 more minutes but that is fine I wonder what she was doing in those 20 minutes.


We just ate breakfast so we went up stairs to get dress I but on a light blue tank top and a floral skirt with a white background and white vans. Then I went to brush my teeth , but then a drop of water landed on me so I went to wipe it off but then I turned back into a mermaid. I missed having this tail, but I had to dry off but I couldn't because I could not reach the towel so I sat there 20 and then realized I have powers I can dry off my tail. I used my heat power to dry off and then took my purse and went down stairs and told Alex what happened and then we started walking to the dock.

When we got at the dock we at down in front of the water. We stared into each other's eyes for a long time. Then he said " Aqua I been waiting to ask you this question ever since I met you. I wanted to ask you if you would be my Girlfriend?" I was shocked I didn't know he liked me that much. I forgot he was there because I was thinking so hard. My eyes are focused know and then I said " Of course I will." Then we stared into each other's eyes again. The he said " Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" I told him yes and then we stared at each other some more.


I just asked Aqua to be my girlfriend and she said yes. I was so happy she said yes then I asked her if she will go on a date with me tomorrow and she said yes I was also really happy about that. We gazed in each other's eyes. Then we walked back to my house, but someone started walking toward me but I could not see who it is and then I saw it was a girl. The girl started sprinting to me really fast and the she kissed me and I could not get out of it. Then she got off of me and I saw it was...


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